Monday Dec 23rd, 2024 River Report.
Although the angling season is well behind us and most of you are probably thinking of Christmas, I thought I would post a few pictures of conditions here on the Miramichi. Some of you might find it interesting to see how Winter is progressing in Salmon Country. I have been spending quite a bit of time in the back country around my cabin and just out in the woods this Fall. My sister Lisa has been missing these outtings due to various committments and was adament I take her for one last run before the heavier snow comes down and we would be forced to park our UTV's for the Winter. So we geared up this past Saturday and had a day adventure on the Dungarvon and Renous Rivers. We dressed for the outdoors, took lots of snacks and even enjoyed a Cook - Out over looking the Dungarvon. The snow laden trees and ice forming in the rivers was absolutley beautiful. The slideshow to the upper left are a few pictures while along the Dungarvon. River levels are perfect for this time of year. Much different from what we experienced this past Summer. This will be my last post for 2024 and on behalf of Lisa, Norma and I, we would like to wish you , "A Very Merry Christmas and may you have a healthy and prosperous New Year in 2025." I really look forward to this coming years angling season and hopefully we will have much better conditions and salmon numbers to report. Take care for now and thanks again for supporting our business. See you in 2025. Thursday October 3rd, 2024 River Report. I spent last week at our cabin on the Renous. The weather was beautiful even with rain Thursday into Friday. Although we had rain it didn't raise our river levels much. Over the week we watched the leaves change almost on a daily bases. I spent most of my week travelling in the UTV to the Little Souwest, Renous, and Dungarvon Rivers. It was a nice vacation travelling in the woods. In regards to fishing I didn't see much action on these rivers. River levels are low and I just don't think salmon were coming in to the tributaries. What I did notice though was Eagles showing Friday and Saturday after the rain. There were two different Eagles and they were spending time at the pool below the camp.This is generally a good sign.Since I arrived home there have been quite a few reports from anglers who are seeing salmon showing and are catching fresh run salmon here on the lower section of the river. Maybe that rainfall has finally helped to bring in fresh salmon. Most of the old salmon anglers, including my father used to say,"they will come when they are ready." I have been thinking of that saying a lot lately. Our rivers have been low for months and most of us know salmon are likely to hold before moving in these conditions. I know a lot of locals and anglers have had a dissappointing season and it is hard not to feel things aren't looking good but, salmon are hard to predict and as we get further into the Fall I think we will start seeing the numbers change. We are seeing and catching salmon now where we weren't just a few weeks ago. Rain is in the forecast. One of the local pools have salmon counts of 400 or more. It could possibly turn around as we move into the tail end of the season. One thing I can say is, we are now into one of the most beautiful times of the year to be angling on the Miramichi. Enjoy and the best of luck angling! Friday September 13th, 2024 River Report. It has been a couple of weeks since I have posted anything. There really wasn't many anglers around and getting a reading on actual conditions wasn't easy. Things are picking up though as more sportsman are at our lodges and clubs so more activity on the river. What is generally normal for September seems to be happening. More reports of seeing salmon jumping and showing is starting to happen and more reports of hookups is also being reported. September fishing for most salmon fisherman is probably one of their favorite times to spend on our watershed. Colours are starting to show, evenings are cooler, and day temperatures are nice for angling. River levels are low right now. We did get rain last weekend and it resulted in a slight raise in river levels. For some of our pools here on the lower section of the river that are low water pools it is good conditions. Normally September brings more salmon each week into our river system. From what I see and hear this is happening. Personally I am looking forward to spending more time angling this Fall. I didn't get a chance to really connect that well with the river this Summer because of the heat waves, so looking forward to the next couple of weeks. I will report as I hear more. Enjoy the Fall fishing! Friday August 23rd, 2024 River Report. In addition to yesterdays report we can finally look forward to fishing the cold water pools again. DFO has removed all closures on the Miramichi watershed. This is great news. Enjoy! Thursday August 22nd, 2024 River Report. It has been a nice welcome seeing the changes on our river after the rain and cooler temperatures over the last couple of days. It is also hard to believe the difference since my last report. I talked to a local salmon angler this morning and he said," conditions are perfect here on the lower section of the Miramichi." I decided to have a look, check my boat, and do a reading on water temperatures. It is nice right now. River levels are up and water temperatures are showing 65F. The only thing that wasn't nice was the amount of water that had to be bailed out of my boat. If you keep a boat anchored to shore you may want to check it. During the last two days we have been seeing more anglers coming through the tackle shop. There are a few salmon being caught. It has been quite awhile since we have heard anything in this regard. River conditions are looking very good going into the weekend. I expect we will continue to see more anglers out on our rivers. I will report if there are any changes. Enjoy and be safe! Friday August 16th, 2024 River Report. I took a run over to the boat ramp this morning here at the Municiple Park in Blackville to check river conditions. Each year following an old tradition my mother and father used to do, we canoe the river on the full moon in August. It might seem a bit out of the ordinary but it is a fun experience. What I found is, water levels are normal for this time of year. Very suitable for low water pools. River temperatures are slowly coming down. My thermometer was showing 72F. Our evenings have been quite cool lately. In fact one morning this week it was 11C. This is all helping to bring the river temperatures down. With a full moon comes higher tides and generally a run of salmon during the summer months. Hopefully that will be the case as conditions improve on this August full moon. I will post as conditions change. Enjoy the weekend! Friday August 9th, 2024 River Report. River conditions have been improving all week and the Warm Water Protocols have been lifted so we can now fish during the day. Keep in mind the 29 cold water pools are still closed but everything else is open for angling. With cooler temperatures especially in the evenings we will continue to see conditions improve. As anglers return to our rivers we will start getting a better reading on conditions. I will post as I hear more. Enjoy! Have a good weekend! Monday August 6th, 2024 River Report. Just a quick update on river conditions. The heat wave we have been experiencing seems to be behind us. By sunset last night you could really feel the difference. The thermometer here this morning is showing 15C. The long range forecast is also looking much better.This is good news for anglers. With temperatures forecasted to be in mid 20's during the day and low teens in the evening we will see things picking up on our rivers soon. It has been a long stretch of time since we have had normal temperatures.River levels are low and water temperatures are high but that will start changing and hopefully by end of week we will have favourable conditions. I expect we will start hearing of salmon showing and possibly some movement in a few days. So, that break in temperatures is finally here. I will post as I hear more. Wednesday July 24th, 2024 River Report. There hasn't been much to post lately as things have been quiet in regards to angling due to the heat wave we experienced. DFO lifted the morning only angling and our rivers are once again open for angling during the day. The 29 cold water pools continue to be closed. There are signs of change though as our evenings are much cooler and water temperatures are dropping. One angler told us Monday morning temperatures were 11C where he was and another said it was 9C at his location. River levels for some pools are perfect for Summer angling and the Main Southwest is holding quite well. We have been getting rain and it makes quite a difference. Reports have been coming in and a few salmon are being hooked further upriver and we also heard of some being caught on the Little Southwest. These are early reports but you can see things are starting to pick up again. With the rivers opened again and temperatures dropping we generally have more anglers on the river and better reports as to river conditions and hook ups. I will post as I hear more. Enjoy the fishing! Thursday July 4th, 2024 River Report. Just a quick update on River Conditions. DFO has closed 29 cold water pools starting today. Warm water protocol will be enforced until conditions change. Warm temperaturesare forecasted so it may be awhile before this changes. Keep in mind this does not mean the whole river system is closed for fishing. I will post as I hear more. Wednesday July 3rd, 2024 River Report. I had the opportunity to work with Willy George yesterday doing a casting clinic here in Blackville. It was a real pleasure to have a casting instructor who has worked with world distance and accuracy champions join the Miramichi Fly Fishing School to put this free clinic on. Everyone enjoyed themselves and I am sure they were able to take away skills that will improve their casting and ultimately improving their fishing. During the morning session we noticed quite a few salmon showing. So I thought I should post some of the changes on our river since my last post. In the last 4-5 days there has been salmon spotted moving upriver. We are also hearing of more salmon being caught along the river. This is good news and what most of us have been waiting for. It is always interesting when fresh salmon move upriver as we will start hearing of salmon being caught in one area and then more reports will come in of salmon being caught in different locations upriver shortly after. These are fresh fish and seem to be taking so if you have a chance you may want to give it a try. Enjoy! Saturday June 29th, 2024 River Report. I struggled yesterday to do a river report but our internet service here in Blackville was terrible. It seems to be O.K today so will give a quick report. We need to keep in mind that the warm water protocol was only lifted on Tuesday and the cold water pools were open Wednesday. So, having anglers on the river and getting a good reading of salmon numbers has been a little difficult. Here is what we have been hearing from anglers in the last couple of days at the tackle shop. River levels and temperatures are quite good. Salmon are being spotted all along the river. Hook ups have been reported but in low numbers. Fresh Salmon seem to be coming in and that is a good sign. More anglers are on the river now and with that comes better reports. Slow is often referred to by anglers in the last couple of days to describe the fishing but salmon are being caught. We need to keep in mind that any salmon in our watershed just went through a period of time when water temperatures were quite high and this adds stress on them. Readjusting to the cooler temperatures may take awhile so these fish will be tough to entice to take a fly. We aren't hearing a lot from anglers fishing our local tributaries here in the Blackville area. Once again, anglers are just getting back on our rivers so reports will be awile coming in.More rain is in the forecast for tomorrow and that is good. It is cloudy this morning and very cool. Temperatures here at the house is showing 10C. These are salmon fishing conditions at its best. Things are shaping up to be very good over the long weekend. Have a great Canada Day weekend! I will report when I hear more. Tuesday June 25th, 2024 River Report. Today the warm water protcol DFO set for 6:00 AM to 11:00 AM will be lifted. Some anglers seem to be a bit confused as to why the cold water pools are still closed as conditions are quite good and some people are seeing salmon jumping and moving here on the lower section of the river. Hopefully the restrictions on the cold water pools will be lifted soon. The heat wave we experienced in this area last week really set our angling back. Most people were not interested in fishing in that kind of heat anyway. Fortunately there has been a rapid change in the weather and our rivers are in pretty good shape right now. Water levels are up and river temperatures according to some anglers is in the high 60's F range. More rain is in the forecast for Thursday. Another plus is evening temperatures are much cooler. So, water levels are up, water temperatures have dropped, and more rain is in the forecast. I wouldn't be suprised to hear early salmon runs are coming in soon.I will post as I hear more. Enjoy! Saturday June 22nd, 2024 River Report. Just a brief update on warm water protocol for the Miramichi. DFO has put in place angling only from 6:00AM to 11:00AM for all species of fish. This pretty much covers most of the watershed.The heat wave we had this week really warmed things up. On a positive note, significant rain in the 30mm - 40mm range is forecasted for tomorrow and it is showing lower amounts of rain through the week. Lower temperatures especially in the evening will help to bring water temperatures down. Hopefully things will be back to normal soon. Have a good weekend! Friday June 21st, 2024 River Report. Trying to keep up with river reports going into the weekend hasn't been easy lately. I missed last week so will give a bit of a report on last week and how things are shaping up this week. The group of anglers who chase Shad seem to have had a pretty good couple of weeks. I keep mentioning this fish species because for those who angle for Shad on the fly they often find it a fun fish with a great fight. This opportunity is pretty much over now. When the V's form a wake in the river with the Schools of Shad going back down the river we know they have spawned out and are heading back to the ocean. Quite a few anglers have commented on seeing schools of Shad and Gasperou going back out to the estuary. Not a lot of Salmon were caught last week and the Trout fishing seemed to be slowing too. As the temperatures increased this week and with very little rain everything has come to a stand still. Water temperatures have reached the warm water protocal zone and the cold water brooks have been closed along the river. A lot of times anglers and people think the river is totally closed but that isn't the case. We still have angling on the tributaries and other stretches of the river. Fortunately the heat wave has passed and we are back to normal temperatures. In fact today here in the Blackville area has a bit of cloud cover and the temperatures are nice. It will take cooler temperatures through the day and into our evenings to bring river temperatures back down. The forecast is looking like that could happen in a few days. So going into the weekend, we are looking at cold water pools being closed. Lots of fishing though in other areas of the river and the tributaries. Rain is in the forecast for early next week. River levels are low and we need rain. Most anglers are predicting a change in a few days with a good rain in the forecast and lower temperatures. Lets hope that doesn't change. Enjoy the river and have a great weekend. Sunday June 9th, 2024 River Report. I tried to provide a report going into the weekend but our internet service here in Blackville has been awful lately. We have had a very frustrating week with Bell. That being said, I have finally figured out how to get my pictures onto my website. Upgrading my phone has created just a few frustrations. The river pictures in the slideshow to the left were taken last Saturday on the Renous and Dungarvon.Those river levels have dropped and there is a significant difference on these tributaries. I wouldn't recommend canoeing or kayaking now. In regards to angling though that is a different story. I have heard a few comments from anglers saying they are now seeing salmon holding up in pools. Salmon are showing but not all over the river. The numbers are not large but they are here. Not a lot of hookups either. The number of salmon anglers are now increasing here on the Miramichi. With more anglers on our river we will have a better idea in the future of salmon numbers. Although very few reports are coming in of salmon being hooked there are those who are hooking into stripers and shad here on the lower section of the river. In fact there are a number of anglers specifically fishing for shad. These are a fun fish to angle for and we always have this group coming through the shop chasing shad this time of year. This is a very enjoyable fish to hook on a fly rod and I encourage you to give it a try. Some of the pictures in the slideshow on the top left are of wild flowers and a possible hibernation shelter for animals that I noticed while along the Renous and Dungarvon rivers. My father never wanted us to pick these particular flowers along the brook on his woodlot. He always claimed they take to long to grow and he enjoyed them in their natural environment. I checked that out in regards to the Lady Slipper and he was correct. This particular flower can take 10 - 14 years to grow to a full size. The germanation period is very long. It has been a wet weekend here on the Miramichi. We desperately need rain. We are getting a nice rainfall at this time and had a few heavy showers yesterday with a steady drizzle at times. I think we are looking at more rain into the evening and possibly tomorrow. Hopefully we will see changes in the river. I will report more as things change. Enjoy and be safe! Saturday June 1st, 2024 River Report. It has been another beautiful week here on the Miramichi. Rain earlier in the week helped to bump the river up a bit and was badly needed for our forests and water table. Always an interesting time of year for us at the tackle shop. There is a variety of fly fisherman chasing different species of fish this time of year. Lots of anglers wading now fishing for trout on our brooks and rivers. Another group has been enjoying angling for shad. Of course we still have those who continue to fish for Striper Bass. Then we have that small select group, who to me are the most dedicated, those who are angling for that first run of bright salmon coming into the Miramichi watershed. We have had reports of anglers seeing salmon jumping and others noticing the wake made from a school of salmon coming upriver. Dr. Swan from Fredericton was the first angler we heard of to catch one of these brights in our area. To some of us locals here on the river it is the greatest prize and experience to catch one of these early runs of bright salmon. There isn't much that beats it on a fly rod. Although not a formal club it is certainly recognized by those who have this experience as a select group of people. We haven't heard of any salmon being caught yet on our tributaries but that will soon change. Our early salmon runs have started and they are here. Enjoy the angling. Be safe. Have a great weekend. Thursday May 23rd, 2024 River Report. Since my last report a week ago there has been substantial change along our rivers. (Sorry, I haven't been doing very well in getting pictures).Ground cover is becoming much more green as the vegetation is coming to life and most of the trees are now leafing. It all makes our rivers come alive with a nice green healthy look. Any rain forcasts this week didn't produce much though and for some reason it keeps passing our watershed. River levels are low enough that canoeing is more difficult on our tributaries. Fiddle heads are becoming harder to find and for some people they have missed them altogether. Our apple trees are blossoming and lots of wild flowers are showing. This is for some of us a favorite time of year to be angling or canoeing and camping along the Miramichi. Enjoying watching nature take its course and seeing all the vegetation come to life is a great experience. The angling is also changing as Striper Bass is now a major focus. We are always getting interesting reports from anglers at our tackle shop but the first I ever heard from an angler or anyone on our river is ...........catching Bass with a scoop net. Apparently one angler has been fishing from his boat and the Bass are so abundant that he tried scooping them with a scoop net and was successful. I can't count the number of people who are landing Bass by the hundreds. The hatches are on and of course this brings Trout fisherman to our rivers. Lots of folks are catching nice Trout and apparently nice Sea Run Trout downriver from Blackville. They are on their way upriver so we will hear of more being caught soon. It is quiet right now for Salmon and always is during this time of year. They are somewhere close to our rivers and may even be in our river system but no one has hooked into anything yet.It won't be long though and that will change. Keep in mind that a section of the Norwest River is closed for Bass spawning at this time. There are lots of mosquitoes and black flies so prepare with fly repellent and clothing for these pests.Caps , wide brim hats and sunscreen is also a must. It is looking like a beautiful weekend ahead of us. Enjoy and be safe! Thursday May 16th, 2024 River Report. We have had a beautiful week here on the Miramichi. Even some of the evenings were warm. As the ground warms up it is noticeable how the ground vegetation progresses. I am noticing purple violets, strawberry flowers, and of course fiddle heads are in abundance. Along with an increase in ground vegetation we are now learning to live with the hatches that are happening. In some locations the flies are on the annoying side of things but that is expected for this time of year. The long weekend is ahead of us and quite a few camp owners are opening their camps and getting ready for the summer season. Lots of people are planning their annual canoe runs and others will be enjoying the fishing. It is really one of the most popular weekends on our rivers here on the Miramichi. River levels are low, our forests are dry, and most of our salmon have worked their way down to the lower part of the river. Some anglers are commenting on seeing quite a few salmon jumping in the Quarryville area but very few are being caught. That isn't the case though with striper bass. It isn't uncommon to hear anglers speak of catching 200 plus stripers in a day from their boat.Trout are still taking and we will probably hear more as anglers come into the tackle shop from the tributaries. If you plan to be camping fire restrictions in this area apply . Our zone is in the yellow and camp fires are only allowed between 8:00pm and 8:00am. Prepare for the bugs. The forecast looks good. Enjoy the weekend and be safe! Thursday May 9th, 2024 River Report. It is amazing the changes this time of year along our rivers. Temperature changes can really make a difference in our vegitation. Most trees are budding, and green is starting to show on our ground cover. We do need rain though and the few showers we seem to be getting is helping. River levels are dropping and in the last week it has changed where we can go with our boats. It is no longer a given to be able to leave Blackville in boats and go to Quarryville. Unless you are very experienced with this section of the river it would be best to put in downriver. The salmon fishing has also changed. Fewer salmon are being caught. That being said there is still the odd salmon being hooked. Good reports of trout and striper bass are still coming in. Some stripers are being caught here in the Blackville area but the main action is below Blackville in the Quarryville area. Reports of hooking salmon, trout and bass in the Quarryville area is not uncommon. We need rain. The forecast is showing some but we really need a good soaking for a day or two. Our forests are dry and the forest fire concern is quite high. More anglers are fishing from the shores and some are wading in areas along our rivers. We are in that timeframe now for canoeing, camping, and angling. Be careful of fires and be safe. Enjoy! Saturday April 27th, 2024 River Report. The end of April is closing in on us. This wasn't quite as nice a week for angling as last week. Most of the folks coming through the door of our tackle shop were commenting on the wind and lower temperatures. River levels are dropping and the angling for salmon seems to be changing. We continue to hear of salmon being caught further upriver in the Doaktown area but it has become spotty. Yesterday I talked to two anglers in the Upper Blackville area who were fishing hard and not hooking into any salmon but were getting trout. Other anglers coming in who were fishing above Blackville and towards the Mouth of Renous seemed to be doing quite well. One comment though that we kept hearing this week from guides and anglers was how the heavy winds were making it difficult for fishing and impacting the number of salmon being caught. There is no doubt the Salmon are probably heading down river now resulting in spotty areas for fishing. The forecast is showing less wind today and 13C temperatures. Tomorrow is even better. So, for some, the angling has been quite good this week and for others not so good. One thing though that we keep hearing is the number of nice trout being caught. That seems to apply for almost anyone who is putting any time in on the water. Enjoy the river! Be safe and have a great weekend. Wednesday April 17th, 2024 River Report. We had a good number of anglers coming into the tackle shop yesterday and today who were very happy anglers. In fact we are hearing comments like, "this is the best fishing for salmon we have seen in a long time." I haven't been able to get out on the river yet but hope to in another day or two. Salmon are being caught throughout the system and we should see good salmon fishing for some time here in the Blackville area.Lots of reports of salmon being caught further upriver and that is always a good sign for us here on the lower section of the river. Those salmon have to come down river and they can be weeks before they get here. One of the concerns most of us had coming into this seasons fishery was the number of salmon we would see this Spring. Because of the lower count numbers last season at the counting fences we generally felt there would be fewer salmon this Spring. That doesn't seem to be the case though as we are experiencing very normal angling at this point in the season. So, I guess it is a bit of a surprise considering low count numbers last season and early ice out this season to have fishing throughout the river system like we are having. It has always been a mystery to most of us trying to predict Atlantic Salmon angling. This season proves that hasn't changed. This has been a fantastic week so far for those anglers chasing salmon. The weather couldn't be better and the angling even for beginners hasn't been disappointing. For others it has been a blast . Lots of reports of both Salmon and nice Trout being caught here in the Blackville area. Enjoy and be safe! Tuesday April 16th, 2024 River Report. Speculation on how the angling would shape up on opening day has been pretty much all over the place in regards to how our Spring angling would be. Because the ice has been out for so long most of us felt a lot of our salmon may be already down stream well on their way out of the estuary. That doesn't seem to be the case though. In fact quite a few anglers had hook ups yesterday here in the Blackville area. I don't think it was fantastic fishing but neither are the conditions. The good news is a lot of anglers are hooking into salmon further upriver and some seemed to be doing better than down here on the lower section. Below Blackville in the Quarryville area it was quite slow. We will know more in a few days but, by all accounts it seems most of our salmon may still be well upriver at this time. It is great weather for this time of year and most anglers I am talking to are enjoying being out on the river and feel the angling will only get better.Today will give us a better outlook on how the angling is shaping up. I will report as I learn more. Enjoy and be safe! Sunday April 14th, 2024 River Report. Welcome back to another exciting angling season. Opening day is tomorrow and we are seeing quite a few anglers around. Lots of out of province license plates in our community which is an early sign that salmon fisherman are here for opening day. A few people are opening their camps but it is a bit early for that yet. Roads and driveways to camps are still soft and wet for most camp owners. River levels are high. Levels really bumped up over the last few days. Sort of feels like normal conditions for this time of year even though the ice has been out for weeks. Rain and snow melt will hopefully hold the river up for the next few weeks. Yesterday the water was brown and mirky with quite a bit of debris . That will clear quite fast though and water levels will probably start dropping soon. Anglers are starting to pick up at the tackle shop so will report as we hear more on angling and river conditions. Generally heavy sinking lines and short leaders are preferred in these conditions. Be careful while on the river in these conditions. Enjoy and be safe! Sunday March 31st, 2024 River Report. This post is mainly to show the difference a few days can make on river conditions. There was a lot of change between Wednesday and today. In the upper slideshow to the left you will see pictures I took this past Wednesday as the rain was starting. You can also see the amount of snow on the ground and the cloudy overcast weather we were having. River levels were at bottom of the boat ramp and were quite low for this time of year. Todays pictures are of the river cresting and possibly starting to drop as there is less melt with cooler temperatures. The boat ramp is clear of snow and river levels are quite high on it. All pictures were taken here at the boat ramp in the Blackville Municipal Park. I was surprised at how clear the river is at this time. There isn't much grass and debris like I thought there would be. You can see two Geese at the lower part of boat ramp. They were sitting in the eddy but moved as I walked down the ramp. Two weeks to opening day. Seeing the river today and talking to others who were checking its conditions makes one anxious to get a boat ready and launched for the upcoming season. Lets hope for a great 2024 angling season. Saturday March 30th,2024 River Report. One of the early signs of Spring that I keep an eye out for is the return of Bald Eagles to the Blackville area.Yesterday was the first time I saw an eagle this year. It was probably one of the largest eagles I have ever seen.This particular eagle was flying down the Bartholomew River tributary to the Miramichi River. We often see this when they return to this area. They fly up the Bartholomew in the morning and return to the Miramichi in the evening. Once the ice goes out we start seeing these birds and others returning to our rivers. So, just another sign that Spring is here. Heavy rainfall over the last couple of days and snow melt is increasing our river levels. I hope to take some pictures tomorrow and will post them . Take care and enjoy family and friends over the Easter weekend. Thursday March 21st, 2024 River Report. Yesterday was the first day of Spring and with that some of us start thinking about fishing and what the river conditions are along the Miramichi.I have put together a few photos in the slideshow to the left to give you an idea how things are looking here in the backcountry. These photos were taken last Friday and Saturday while out snowmobiling along the Dungarvon, behind my camp on the Renous, the Sisters Brook and Cleawater Brooks further up on the Southwest Miramichi. The Sisters Brook photo is a bit foggy as it was coming on dark and starting to snow. While at the Clearwater camp it was nice out. The other river photo was taken along the middle section of the Dungarvon.The snow conditions were probably heaviest at my cabin on the Renous. As you can see, quite a few brooks are open but there are sections of our tributaries that are still holding ice. The snow conditions varied from thin to good snowmobiling conditions but not a lot of snow considering the time of year and our average snow for March. I was surprised that the snow kept getting thinner the further up towards Clearwater we got. How the snow and ice conditions impact our early Spring fishery will be hard to predict. I guess we will find out on April 15th. We generally have good fishing here on the lower section of the river so hopefully that won't change. There are quite a few efforts in the works regarding salmon and striper bass by our conservation groups. Hopefully they will make some inroads this year with DFO. Another season is almost upon us and we are looking forward to seeing our angler friends for another season. In the mean time, take care and be safe. Friday October 13th, 2023 River Report. For those who are able to spend time on our rivers this time of year I am sure you were able to enjoy the colours and fishing at its best. This is definitely one of the nicest times of year to be angling on the Miramichi. The pictures in the slideshow on the left were taken on the Dungarvon River yesterday. Although some of the Maples have completely lost their leaves there are others just starting to turn colour. I had my brother inlaw with me yesterday from Florida and he couldn't believe how nice it was. It has been years since he has experienced these colours. A few more reports have been coming in this week of anglers hooking salmon. It seems as though the success rate has picked up. River levels are getting better and a few people are even enjoying the tributaries in canoes. Things are winding down fast. With a couple of days left to the season it won't be long and we will be hanging up our waders and rods for another season. I didn't keep up this season with my reports due to other committments and our rivers for most of the Summer were just to high to report anything. It has been a very unusual season in regards to the amount of rain we had. Great for salmon but not so great for anglers. Sometimes I get a chance to watch salmon spawning. If that happens I will share my experience. Enjoy the last few days of the season. Take care and tight lines. Friday September 22nd, 2023 River Report. Just a quick update on river conditions going into the weekend. I have had a few chats with guides this week and it is interesting what some of them have been saying. Rain and river levels have been a major part of angling discussions all summer and here is what one guide told me from the Blackville area. " We have been measuring rainfall all summer at the camps and during the months of June, July, and August we had 36" of rainfall. That is before the last heavy rain which showed 4" for the one storm." As of yesterday the common drop in river levels is 1.25" every 2 hours. So river levels are dropping and a few salmon are being caught. It was surprising for a couple of the guides from one lodge who thought it best to take their clients to the tributaries as they might fair better there than deal with the high water levels on the Miramichi only to return to the lodge and see salmon jumping in front of their camps. After wetting a line they acturally picked up a few salmon and lost quite a few. It just goes to show how unpredictable these salmon can be. With river levels dropping and conditions slowly improving we will probably see an increase in anglers on the river and get more reports on conditions. It will be interesting how the Fall runs will shape up and what all this high water will do to the angling. So far we are seeing some surprises. Please keep in mind my reports tend to focus on the lower section of the Miramichi in the Blackville area. Next week New Brunswick has its annual Moose Hunt so aware hunters may be in the area when on our rivers. Have a good weekend. Enjoy and be safe! September 19th, 2023 River Report. River levels are high and of course that is the talk of most anglers here on the Miramichi this week. I took a couple of pictures yesterday from the boat ramp here at the Blackville Park. You can see them in the slideshow to the left. River levels were dropping and had come down about 2'. We have rain again today but the forecast is for clear skies starting tomorrow. It is going to take a few days for the river to come back down and angling to pick up. Possibly by the weekend we will start hearing more from anglers. This has been quite a summer with all the rainfall and high river levels. Taking that into consideration the fishing at times was not that bad for some anglers in certain locations. That being said,"some of our low water pools have not fished at all this summer." I don't remember river levels like we have seen this summer where we had such high water for so long. Most of us are crossing our fingers to see clear skies for awhile and river levels to drop. Fall angling on the Miramichi is a time a lot of us really enjoy. As you can see from the pictures it is still early for the Fall colors. Another week will make a difference though. Lets hope for better conditions in a few days. I will report as things pick up. Friday September 8th, 2023 River Report. We have had a beautiful week here on the Miramichi for fly fishing. Numbers of salmon coming through the counting fences are encouraging and a few anglers are picking up some nice sized salmon. Not everyone is as lucky though but salmon are showing and we know they are there. For those who are putting their time in on the river they seem to be rewarded. The lower pools here in the Blackville area have been finally producing salmon. We have had a tough season here on the lower section of the river due to high river levels. September and October is definitely one of the nicest times of year to be salmon fishing on the Miramichi. The forecast is showing wet weather for the next few days. It seems most of it is during the evenings though while the days are going to be overcast. Some of us like this type of weather and often call it Salmon Fishing Weather. I keep saying I will report more but it has been a crazy summer and I haven't been able to keep up with my reports. Really hoping to make time this Fall to spend more time on our rivers. If I do I will report more. Enjoy the angling and have a great weekend. Wednesday August 16th, 2023 River Report. It has been awhile since I have done a river report. I have had good intentions but other than high water conditions there hasn't been much to report. This is certainly an unusual Summer as we have been getting a substantial amount of rain and the lower section of the Miramichi here in the Blackville area has not had Summer river levels for a very long time. In fact most of the Summer we couldn't wade in this area. So, what are things looking like at this time seems to be what a lot of salmon anglers are wandering? I will try to paint a picture of current conditions as things are heading in a positive direction. I checked on my boat yesterday and while doing that I noticed two salmon jumping in a 45 minute period. River levels are starting to drop. We are getting reports of people seeing salmon jumping now all along the river. There is even word that a few salmon are being hooked. The forecast isn't showing a lot of rain so conditions should be much better in another couple of days. These cooler days and evenings have water temperature in the mid 60's. Normally we would be in Dog Days but that is not happening. Norma and I made our annual pilgrimage to the Dungarvon Barrier this past Saturday on our ATV's with a couple of friends. The pictures in the top left slideshow were taken along the Dungarvon and at the barrier. We had a nice visit with Joey and he updated us on numbers, etc. I have to mention that it is noticeable how much happier the employees seem to be under MSA's management. Salmon numbers totalled 107 Saturday. Apparently 20 or so Salmon were killed below the barrier so these numbers would have been higher. Also, part of our discussion was river conditions and how the salmon are probably quite comfortable in the lower sections of our rivers this Summer because of water levels and cooler temperatures. They really have no need to look for cooler water. I suspect we will be seeing more anglers on our rivers in the next few days. It seems to be picking up already. I will report when I here more. Enjoy! WednesdayAugust 2nd, 2023 River Report. We have had cooler temperatures since this past Saturday especially during the evening. Last night it was 10C here in the Blackville area. DFO has reopened the 29 cold water pools and we are back to normal angling now. River levels have been dropping and with cooler temperatures we should start hearing more on angling conditions in the next couple of days. I expect our low water pools which we really haven't been able to fish this Summer here in the lower section of the Miramichi due to the high water should be accessible now. Temperatures are quite nice for angling. The forecast is for day time temperatures in the low to mid 20's with the evenings in the mid teens. It is really a nice time to be on our rivers. I will report as I hear more. Enjoy! Tuesday July 25th, 2023 River Report. Just a quick update. Starting today Warm Water Protocol will be in effect. Please note that this does not mean the whole river system is closed. You can check on the DFO website to find which cold water pools are closed. Tuesday July 18th, 2023 River Report. Just a heads up, the cold water pools on the Miramichi could possibly be reopened tomorrow. River levels are at Spring high and temperatures yesterday were 67F in the morning. I cain't imagine salmon being under any stress with these conditions. I will post when I hear more. Monday July 17th, 2023 River Report. I hope to be more active now in keeping up with my river reports in the future. My committment to the work on our new tourism building is now over so plan to spend more time on the river. An old friend called yesterday morning wandering what was going on that the cold water pools are closed when the river is Spring high and river temperatures are 69F. I couldn't give him an answer but told him to come to the Miramichi Salmon Association Awareness Day at the Blackville Municipal Park as he possibly could find out there. We had a good turn out for a cloudy overcast day with rain. Lots of questions were answered in regards to the river and you could tell this group shares everyones frustrations with decisions that are being made on the management of our river by DFO. As everyone stood in the pavillion looking at a river flowing by at Spring river levels and water temperatures below 70F the concern for this watershed and how it is being managed was at the top of everyones thoughts. I guess the question we would like answered is, what is really the future plans for salmon, trout, etc on the Miramichi watershed in the future? After a couple of weeks of what seemed a steady stream of salmon runs with high water levels making it difficult fishing here on the lower section of the river in the Blackville area, there were quite a few reports of salmon being caught. You had to put your time into hooking into one but those who did were picking up some very healthy looking Atlantic Salmon.Even the tributaries like the Cains, Dungarvon, and Renous were producing Salmon. The picture in the upper left slideshow showing the canoe is at the boat ramp at the Blackville Municipal Park and was taken a week ago. The river is much higher now and after last nights rain will be raising again. We should soon be hearing that DFO has opened the cold water pools. (This is ridiculous). The picture of the bear was taken on the trail behing the tourism building. In fact we had to close the park for a few days last weekend as there was three bears in the park. It is going to take a few days for river levels to drop. I will report as I hear more. Sunday June 18th, 2023 River Report. It has been awhile since I posted a river report. My schedule has been a bit busy renovating a historical building across the street from our tackle shop plus, we had our computers hacked and it took Bell a couple of weeks to help us out. I have to say,"it is embarrassing the service we get in this area."The historical building will become our communities new Visitor Information Centre and gift shop. Norma and I were able to get out yesterday for a fish on the Dungarvon. We took the Honda Pioneer to get into some of the remote areas along the river. With all the rain our rivers are in great shape. I like to see river levels in June like this and hope we can continue to see a cycle of rain each week through the 2023 season. We checked out a few pools further up on the Dungarvon. Although we had no luck for salmon you can tell the conditions are very good for salmon and trout. Water temperatures are 56F. Lots of hatches and the game is also out and about. A friend also fishing the Dungarvon caught two nice trout. I hooked one and lost two more. The wind was not in our favour and with water levels high it wasn't easy to wade out further to have a better back cast. It really forces you to use roll casts and I was able to work on my single spey with a single handed rod. A great cast once you have the hang of it. Reports are coming in of bright salmon being caught on the South West Miramichi and North West Miramichi. I don't think these salmon are holding and those who are fortunate enough to catch these early salmon are really enjoying it. Also reports of trout being caught in nice sizes. Not much on shad but they were getting some last week. Of course the bass are still popular and are being caught throughout the river system. The pictures in the top left slideshow are of the new VIC building, Norma and I fishing the Dungarvon, and two moose we saw on our return home. The forecast is for warmer temperatures and less rain next week. River levels are up so still a good time to canoe the tributaries. Everywhere along the rivers it is very noticeable how healthy the vegetation is. Great conditions to spend time on our rivers. Enjoy and be safe! Monday May 22nd, 2023 River Report. This is always a busy time on the Miramichi watershed. It is an annual pilgrimage for many people who come to the Miramichi to enjoy what it has to offer every year. Very few rivers can boast like the Miramichi of its many species of fish, beautiful rivers and fiddleheads in abundance. Besides the many anglers, canoers, and fiddleheaders we had the annual Trout Derby in Red Bank and the boat races from the municipal park in Blackville. This is always a fun weekend and the rivers are our main focus. Most of our trees and vegetation along the shores of our rivers are showing green now. Typical at this time of year is the ridiculous numbers of Bass, good reports from anglers of trout and the odd Kelt still being caught. We are hearing that a few bright salmon have also been caught but haven't had anyone in the tackle shop to confirm that. The pictures in the slideshow in the upper left are from the Cains, Dungarvon and Renous. River levels are dropping but still good for canoeing. We will need rain to hold the water levels soon. Hopefully Saturday night and Sundays rain will do that. This weeks forecast is looking quite good. If you haven't been able to get out last week you still have a nice week ahead. Enjoy and be safe! Monday May 8th, 2023 River Report. I added a couple of photos in the slideshow to the left of river conditions in the Blackville area over the weekend. Things can change fast and that is the case over the weekend. Friday we could be using sinking lines while trolling and by Sunday most anglers above Blackville were casting with floating lines. River levels are dropping and the water is quite clear. It was a beautiful weekend and lots of anglers were enjoying the river. The biggest news was striper bass are now in the Quarryville area. One of the pictures in the slideshow gives you a good idea of how big these bass are. That wasn't the largest that this angler caught. So that time of year is now upon us when we can be hooking Kelts, Trout, and Striper Bass here in the Backville area. More rain this afternoon and that is good as it will help hold the river levels for good boating. Warmer temperatures are in the forecast for mid to late week. The vegetation is coming to life on a daily bases now. A great time of year to be on the river. Enjoy and be safe! Friday May 5th, 2023 River Report It is a beautiful sunny morning here on the Miramichi. After a long week of cloudy wet weather this is a welcome change. I expect the angling should imrove over the weekend. River levels will start dropping and clearing making conditions much better. We have been getting reports of salmon being caught this week. It slowed down but with salmon still being caught upriver and here on the lower section I expect we will have an opportunity to hook into these beauties for another couple of weeks. Some of the anglers have changed up to the heavy sinking lines again. The vegetation has changed this week and you will notice how green things have become. Add the sun to that and it will come alive even faster.This is one of my favorite times of year. I enjoy watching the Spring changes along the rivers. Enjoy the angling and be safe! Monday May 1st, 2023 River Report. Last week for most seemed to be a good week of fishing here on the lower section of the Miramichi. We even had reports from some anglers who were hooking salmon off the shore. Other reports from anglers upriver indicated they were still doing quite well. River levels dropped through the week and the water seemed reasonably clear at times. You will still see the odd patch of snow in shaded areas but most of the shoreline is grass and dry. Late in the week we started hearing of trout being caught below Blackville. Quite a few anglers were hooking into nice sized trout and salmon. This will be a fun challenge now for some anglers here on the lower stretch of the river. Hooking into large trout can be a real joy and can add a whole lot to the angling experience while fishing salmon. We need rain here on the Miramichi. Things are drying out fast and the river could use a nice bump in river levels. Luck is on our side and we are getting rain as I write this report. In fact rain is in the forecast for the next few days. This will bring a major change along the river in regards to the vegetation. You can already see how fast things are starting to green up. No word of Striped Bass up this branch of the river yet. That will be coming. It is always a fun angling experience when you can hook into Salmon. Trout, and Bass all in the same day. I will report as things change. Enjoy and be safe! Saturday April 22nd, 2023 River Report. River levels started dropping Thursday and have cleared up quite a bit. It is still good angling from a boat and we should hear of better fishing this weekend. Lots of reports coming in of quite a few salmon being caught upriver. It seems to have been a bit harder fishing though here in the Blackville area although we were seeing pictures of some very large salmon being caught in this area. Fishing from the shore hasn't been great at all. There has been to much grass and mirky water to deal with. We do believe though that this weekend we should see a change as the conditions are much better. Early signs of spring are showing with buds coming out on the trees and I noticed a few flowers yesterday working their way out of the dead grass. Enjoy and be safe. Have a good weekend. Saturday April 15th, 2023 River Report. Opening Day! The 2023 season is finally here. Beautiful sunny skies, a forecast for low winds and 14C here in Blackville for the day. It really couldn't get better than that. I posted two pictures in the slideshow to the left on how things look at the boat loading ramp at the Municipal Park here in Blackville. These pictures were taken yesterday and it surprised me that the river was as low as it is. Expect that to change as we have a lot of snow melt happening and it will come up for awhile. I expect quite a few anglers will be launching their boats over the next couple of days. We can also expect quite a few salmon will be hooked too. It does get busy at the park and sometimes parking can get crowded and to help with this Blackville is in the process of building a new Visitor Information Centre and parking area for extra parking. This area is very easy to find as it is located across the street from our tackle shop. You can walk to it from the boat launch. Just turn onto the N.B Trail and the Bartholomew River Bridge. You can see the newly renovated building that will become our communities Visitor Information Centre.It is straight ahead. Basically on the other side of the bridge. A very easy walk from the boat ramp. For those who are preparing to get out on the river today be careful and enjoy! Thursday April 13th, 2023 River Report. Welcome to those of you who follow my river reports. I hope all is well and you had a great off season. We are looking forward to 2023 angling season. Wishing you all the best of luck and lots of success on the river. The pictures in the slideshow on the top left were taken this past Saturday on the Dungarvon while snowmobiling. Keep in mind I mainly focused on open water areas. Quite a few stretches of the river were still closed in with ice. It has been warm all week and we have had a lot of snow melt. Rivers are raising quite a bit. Stretches of the Miramichi are now open and other areas have ice jambs. It is quickly changing and I expect we will see some anglers on the river for opening day. I noticed today buds on some of the Popular trees here in the park in Blackville. It just goes to show how fast our seasons can change in this area.The boat loading ramp has been plowed earlier in the week and I see lots of vehicles going out there checking on the river. River levels will continue to raise for awhile as snow melt and run off will be happening for awhile. Rain is in the forecast for next week. I will start posting more now that we are getting closer to the angling season. Looking forward to seeing our friends and customers again at the tackle shop. Another angling season is almost upon us. Wishing you all a safe and successful 2023 angling season. Enjoy! Friday October 7th, 2022 River Report. It has been awhile since my last report. I was away for most of a month enjoying the trout fishing in the western states. I must say, it was a trip of a lifetime. After a couple of weeks though that yearning to be back on the Miramichi was really settling in. This is my favorite time of year and I really couldn't wait to get home. I have been around the rivers some but haven't been angling. A month away leaves a lot of catching up to do. Here are some observations I am seeing while along the rivers and hearing from anglers who are enjoying our Fall fishing. Most of us who chase Atlantic Salmon are aware that Fall fishing can have its challeneges and some anglers are being faced with long days and very little results. That being said, others are doing quite well. I had a guide today tell me of hooking a large salmon yesterday and losing 5. They just seemed to be taking short and not getting good hookups. Others are also reporting and showing us pictures of beautiful salmon both hens and hookbills. We are even hearing of a few being caught with sea lice on them. This all seems quite typical to me of our Fall fishing. While some areas are producing others are quite quiet. Most are commenting that the salmon are not showing but are there. I provided a couple of pictures in the top slideshow of a Doe and Fawn crossing the Dungarvon .The other one is a picture of a mother and her brood of ducklings coming upriver on the Dungarvon. It is certainly is a beautiful time to be on the river angling. Keep in mind the Dungarvon is usually closed after the end of September. While picking canoes up two evenings ago the group of us watched what might have been trout feeding off the top. The circles were everywhere on the river from the fish rising to the hatch. It was as far upriver as you could see. River levels are quite good on the tributaries for this time of year. I was suprised at the levels of the Dungarvon and Renous. Colors are reaching their peak and it couldn't be more beautiful on our rivers. This has been quite a week. It is going to be a nice weekend. Enjoy and be safe. Friday September 2nd, 2022 River Report. It is a beautiful morning here in Salmon Country. 9C and water levels are good. Cooler evenings are in the forecast which will keep the river temperatures down. It is shaping up to be a nice weekend for angling on the Miramichi. A few people are hooking into salmon and enjoying the river. After a stretch of warm water protocols it usually takes awhile to get the anglers back on the river. We are noticing the numbers picking up this week. We will start hearing more from anglers soon. Most of us are hoping for a good run of fresh salmon soon. I will be away for the month of September and first week of October angling the rivers in western U.S. This is a fishing trip an old friend and I have planned for a number of years and is finally coming to fruition. I won't be able to keep up with my reports during this time unless I become much more familiar with technology. I will be back in early October so plan to catch the last of the local salmon season here in Blackville. Enjoy the Fall fishing. Take care. Monday August 29th, 2022 River Report. I was away this past weekend and wasn't able to report. The good news we arrived home to was the cold water pools are now reopened for angling. August is almost behind us and the end of Dog Days generally will be behind us too. Reports of anglers hooking into salmon are already coming in. It is cloudy here this morning and air temperatures are showing 12C. Some of us would refer to this kind of day as the perfect salmon fishing day. The forecast is showing cooler evenings later in the week. More signs of Fall are showing all the time. I saw quite a few trees yesterday on our way home from the southern part of the province showing red coloring. September is almost upon us. This is considered one of the nicest months to be angling on the Miramichi. Enjoy! I will report as I hear more. Tuesday August 23rd, 2022 River Report. I haven't been taking any temperature readings on the river for probably a week and was a bit surprised this morning to see the notice that the 29 cold water pools will be closed once again. I guess a couple of warm days can make the difference. We made our annual pilgrimage up to the Salmon Barrier Sunday on our ATV's. The pictures in the slideshow to the left show how things look this time of year on the Dungarvon river and area. The river is certainly in good shape as far as river levels are concerned but the water temperatures must be warm. The sign on the way down the hill over looking the Salmon Barrier site is a nice addition. I knew the Barrier is now operated by Miramichi Salmon Assocciation but some of the people with me were not aware of that. While discussing this it was also brought up how MSA also manages some of the crown waters in our area. I wanted to mention this as a lot of people are not aware how much our local conservation group is involved in our watershed. While talking to the employee at the Barrier we could tell that he feels it is much better managed now. When you support MSA you support a broad range of programs that are very important to the future of our rivers. While returning home from the Barrier we noticed a small patch of hardwoods in a low lying area that were showing signs of Fall colors. This is the first of any sign of change that I have seen. Although some of the cold water pools are closed there is a vast amount of water in the Miramichi watershed that is still open to angling. Rain and cooler temperatures are in the forecast for today through Thursday. Hopefully water temperatures will drop soon. I will report when I hear more. Wednesday August 17th, 2022 River Report It was cool and cloudy this morning here in Salmon Country. In fact you could feel a change in the air that makes one feel like Fall is upon us. Although that is off in the future we do get those days in August when you feel a change is coming.This is the kind of day that some of us refer to as Salmon fishing weather. Lots of cloud cover and rain in late afternoon. It is evening now and we are getting heavy rain at times. Just what we need. I would guess that this rain will have a positive impact on our salmon fishing. Since the cold water pools have been reopened we have had reports of salmon showing along the river and quite a few anglers hooking into both salmon and grilse here on the main river and the tributaries. On another note, the Small Mouth Bass initiative at Miramichi Lake was put on hold due to a court injunction by the cottage owners at the lake. Apparently the court proceedings were canceled today and hopefully we will see this initiative finally get underway. I will report as I hear more. Enjoy the river! Friday August 12th, 2022 River Report. Just a quick report to let you know that the warm water protocols for the 29 cold water pools on the Miramichi have been lifted. The river is in good shape. Water temperatures are in the 60'sF range and at nice levels. Salmon are also showing along the river. Should be a good weekend. Enjoy! Thursday August 11th, 2022 River Report. I wanted to mention this morning the dissappointment some of us are feeling in regards to the Small Mouth Bass eradication initiative at Miramichi Lake. Apparently it has experienced another setback from cottage owners on the lake and will be on hold once again. This is very dissappointing as our conservation groups have put so much time and resources into this initiative. Hopefully the issues will be resolved soon and things will move forward soon. Hats off to those involved in the various groups who have been working on this project. We really appreciate what you do for our river. On a positive note, river temperatures seem to be holding around the 66F range the past two days. At least that is what my thermometer has been reading here at the mouth of Bartholomew. You can really feel the difference as the water is quite cold. River levels are up and salmon tend to be showing in the centre of the river here in Blackville. Some of us feel they are on the move again. We are hoping DFO will open the cold water pools soon as the river is in great shape right now. I will post as I hear more. Tuesday August 9th, 2022 River Report. River levels dropped a lot over the weekend. The pictures in the slideshow on the left were taken this morning at the mouth of Bartholomew. We had heavy rain most of the night last night and it continued to rain throughout today. Temperatures were very cool last night and when I took the pictures this morning at 10:00AM air temperatures were 14C. It was 11C early this morning. It is going to be cool again tonight and the forecast for this week is showing evening temperatures in the mid teens all week. We should see a raise in water levels. The Bartholomew is coming up and by tomorrow the main river should be showing a raise in river levels too. How long it will take for the river temperatures to come down so the cold water pools will be reopened is hard to tell but this is good news. We need cooler temperatures and especially cool evenings and that is happening. Quite a few people are calling to see if the cold water pools have been reopened but it is to early. I will post when we hear more. Hopefully that will happen soon. Reports are coming in of poaching happening in various areas. Getting anglers back on the river soon will help to keep this activity from happening. Enjoy the cooler weather. I will post as I hear more. Friday August 5th, 2022 River Report. Not a lot to report lately in regards to angling. Our river levels have consistently stayed at good levels all Summer do to rainfall this region has been getting. Unfortunately water temperatures are still high and so things are slow. Regardless of the river conditions we still have anglers stopping by the tackle shop who are headed to their camps, lodges, or crown waters. These guys continue to enjoy the rivers and the comraderie with their friends while sharing the views of the river and outdoors from the camps. (Nothing like sharing a good story or fib with old friends). The heat wave we are in should be behind us by the end of the week. Next weeks forecast is looking like lower temperatures and rainfall are headed this way. Exactly what we need. Dog days bring warm water and heat waves and it is all part of our Summer weather. We should be back to normal in a week or two. Rainfall last week brought the rivers up over the weekend and we were seeing quite a few salmon showing here on the lower section of the river. That is a good sign in this warm weather. I will post as things change. Enjoy the Summer. Monday July 25th, 2022 River Report. Heat warnings and thunderstorm warnings have been quite common this past week. Even so, river levels have remained very good and we are still getting reports of salmon being hooked. Unfortunately, river temperatures have been coming up and we were notified by MSA today that Warm Water Protocols will be put in place tomorrow. That doesn't mean the whole river system is closed. It is mainly cold water refuge areas so double check to make sure you aren't fishing in any of these areas. These conservation measures were once unique to the Miramichi as we felt it important to protect this precious resource. Other rivers are now adapting these protocols and following procedures we us here. With fewer anglers on the river we generally see an increase in poaching activity. The sooner we can get back to normal temperatures the better for our rivers. The forecast is for lower temperatures and an end to the heat wave but, I am not sure we will see water temperatures drop as fast as we would like. Evening temperatures are still showing warmer temperatures and this is when we tend to see the water temperatures drop. Guess it is a wait and see scenerio. Dog days are here. Lets hope they don't last to long. Tuesday July 19th, 2022 River Report. Just a quick report on river conditions. I keep posting the good water levels we have been getting this season and while on the river yesterday I couldn't help to think of our conditions once again. Although water levels have been dropping we are still at nice levels for this time of year. The weekly cycle of rain has really been the difference. While other areas are experiencing low rainfall and hot temperatures we have been getting rain. This has definitely helped to keep the river cool and bring in more salmon. Heavy rain last night and again this morning will probably bring the river up again and help maintain good water levels. Although the temperatures are climbing we continue to hear from anglers who are catching salmon and grilse. This rain we are getting will help to freshen the river up and hopefully bring in more salmon. We had some confusion last week in regards to barbless double hooks. Because of this confusion we told anglers who were looking for doubles to not buy or be aware that they could possibly be charged for using them. Since then we have been informed that barbless doubles are legal to use so pass the word around if you could. So, with fresh rainfall we can expect good river conditions for another few days. Now that we are getting hotter weather and river temperatures are rising be particularly careful with your hook and release methods. Try to keep these precious fish in the water at all times and revive them as much as possible. Enjoy and be safe. Friday July 15th, 2022 River Report. I spent some time on the Renous and Dungarvon the last couple of days and cain't believe how fast these rivers have dropped. As you can see from the pictures in the slideshow to the left they are in great shape for angling but it was not that long ago that they were on the high side. The Main Southwest Miramichi has also been dropping fast and is much better for wading too. We are getting reports this week of anglers hooking into salmon on all three rivers. While at the cabin yesterday doing my mid Summer whipper snipping and general maintenance I couldn't help noticing the abundance of berries. Strawberries have been out for weeks but the areas I saw yesterday had blueberries ready to be picked. I also saw that the hazel nuts are out too. Some people claim that if a bees or hornets nest are low or on the ground it means less snow for the upcoming Winter. I am not so sure of that but did get 5 stings from a hornets nest that I got into while whipper snipping that was on the ground. If I recall the same thing seems to happen up there every year. Not an annual experience that I look forward too. We did get rain last night but I don't think it was what was forecasted. That is here in the Blackville area though and it could have been different in the headwaters. In any case it always helps to have a nice rain to freshen things up on the river. Our rivers are as healthy as I have ever seen them for this time of year. We have a full moon this week and usually a run of salmon can be expected with that. Good salmon returns and nature at its best. It is shaping up to be a nice weekend. Enjoy and be safe. Tuesday July 12th, 2022 River Report. We had heavy rain and a few thundershowers since my last report. By Thursday of last week our rivers were raising and lots of debris to contend with. It wasn't long though and we were hearing of anglers hooking salmon from the shore and in boats. Some anglers who were fishing areas they could wade were hooking into salmon too. I measured water temperatures Saturday morning and they were 64F. A few people were commenting on how cold it was when wading. River levels have dropped since the weekend and we are hearing of pretty good fishing in places. Once again the low water pools aren't doing as well but lots of reports that there is a fairly steady run of salmon moving upriver. It seems as though we are hearing of more Grilse being caught since the raise in river levels. Not a lot of rain in the forecast for this week and with the warmer temperatures we should have a nice week ahead of us. Enjoy! For those who are fishing they are seeing lots of salmon showing and the conditions are improving daily. Wednesday July 6th, 2022 River Report. River levels have been dropping but not quite enough for some low water pools. A lot of our salmon are still moving upriver but in a few places they seem to be holding before moving on. We have noticed quite a few anglers picking up Dry Flies and having success with them. Lots of salmon being hooked and the stories of big healthy fish keep coming in. It is really an amazing season. Our Grilse runs have also been coming in and quite a few anglers have been picking them up on a fly. We have a few anglers coming into the tackle shop who are fishing for Shad. These are a fun fish to catch on the fly too. It has been raining since last night and we have received significant rain with this storm. I expect the rivers will raise and that will change things up for a few days. The change in weather has also brought much cooler temperatures. I noticed the thermometer here at the house showing 16C for a high today. This weekly cycle of rain has been keeping our rivers in good shape for angling and canoeing. I will be checking on my boat tonight and bailing the rain water out of it. If you have a boat along the river you may want to do the same. Enjoy and be safe. Thursday June 30th, 2022 River Report. June is a favorite month for a lot of salmon anglers. We really noticed how the numbers of anglers picked up in the last two weeks. Seeing our friends from out of country has been great as we have not seen these folks in a couple of years. For most of June we had a weekly cycle of rain and our rivers were high. Although it made for hard wading there was quite a few hookups and lots of lost salmon on the fly. Catching a June salmon for a lot of us is the ultimate experience. These are the best of the best if you ever catch one. In fact, there is a locally known June Salmon club and it is quite a feeling if you catch one of these beautiful fish and become a part of this club. Your name won't be put on any magazine or on any plaque but you alone will know enjoy the experience and become part of this special group. More anglers on the river and more reports of hookups. I am hearing from people who have caught Salmon first thing in early morning to those who were hooking them during the hottest time of the day in mid afternoon. I have had videos and pictures of salmon landed and the ripples of salmon going over bars upriver as far as you could see. I need to spend more time increasing my computer skills so I can transfer these photos and videos from facebook to my computer and then my river reports. River levels are slowly dropping and soon our low water pools will be fishing better. Regardless, anglers are being rewarded with hookups if they are putting the time in on the rivers. Lots of anglers are showing us photos of beautiful healthy looking salmon from the Norwest, Southwest, and the tributaries. All the rivers here on the Miramichi have been producing Salmon. If these early runs are an indication of what is to come for this season then things are looking very good. Lets cross our fingers that it continues to rain and a heat wave doesn't come upon us. July 1st weekend is upon us. For those who are on the river I am sure you are enjoying the angling and all things that go with being outdoors here on this watershed. Get out and enjoy! Be safe. Friday June 24th, 2022 River Report. I have been quite busy lately and haven't been able to keep up with my river reports. So here is a quick report on the river and salmon. Water levels are holding due to the weekly cycle of rainfall that continues in this neck of the woods. This has made some of the high water pools quite productive at times. On the other hand the river is to high for a lot of the low water pools. Reports are coming in of salmon being caught and we finally heard of a grilse hooked this week. I just watched a video of a school of salmon going over the bar at Doctors Island here in Blackville. The video was just taken late afternoon. There was a fairly long run of salmon going over that bar and the continuous series of wakes in the water showed for quite awhile going upriver. This is an extremely good sign of salmon moving upriver in broad daylight. Hopefully this is also a sign of good returns for this angling season. Warm temperatures and clear skies are in the forecast for the weekend. Enjoy the river and be safe. Sunday June 12th, 2022 River Report. I am doing a brief salmon report this morning based on reports from anglers coming into the tackle shop since my last report. Keep in mind there are not a lot of salmon anglers right now but, that is going to change as more of the clubs and lodges have salmon anglers coming in the near future. Reports started coming in Friday from various people along the river below Blackville and above Blackville of seeing quite a few salmon jumping along the river. Connor Donovan was showing us pictures of 2 nice salmon he caught on the Renous yesterday. Another report came in of a salmon also caught yesterday at the mouth of Dungarvon. Most reports are of salmon. We aren't hearing much on grilse yet but it is still early. We also have a few anglers who have been hooking into shad. These are another fun fish to angle and there is a retention on these fish. More rain in the forecast for tomorrow. River conditions are good and it is looking like we will have the water levels and good fishing well into June. Enjoy and be safe. Thursday June 9th, 2022 River Report. I talked to 2 anglers at the tackle shop this week who had spent a couple of days canoeing and fishing the Cains River. They caught a few trout but were surprised they didn't catch more as they were having good success on the rivers in the southern part of the province. My old fishing buddy has been at me to get up on the Dungarvon to check it out. The photos in the top left slideshow were taken between 15 - 20 miles further up on that river yesterday. We basically found the same thing. Really good water levels for canoeing and salmon fishing. Lots of nibbles from small trout and parr, to the point that they were a nuisance at times. No luck with salmon or larger trout. I guess the question I kept asking myself while on the river and on the way home is, are we that much later than the rivers in the southern part of the province? I never fish south of the Miramichi and was curious as to the difference in the conditions from one area to another. Lots of sign of hatches, in fact at one pool the number of dragon flies was unreal. They were everywhere. Were we disappointed? Not at all. You cain't base the fishing on a river with only an afternoons fishing. My guess is with more time on the water we would have picked up some larger trout and possibly a salmon. The conditions are that good. We did see a cow moose with two calves, two deer, and an owl. Even though it was raining and a bit of wind it was a really a nice afternoon on the river. We will be spending much more time now on the tributaries. Lots of mosquitoes and quite a few bears are being seen on logging roads, etc. We are back in the green now for camp fires. It is really a nice time to be angling, camping, and canoeing in this area. Enjoy and be safe! Friday June 3rd, 2022 River Report. The forecast is showing more rain for this weekend. We seem to have a cycle setting up where it rains on the weekends. Last weekend the heavy rains increased river levels and made it difficult for fishing for a couple of days. After river levels receded we had a couple of reports of anglers catching bright salmon. I always like to comment on these early salmon as it is quite an honor here on the Miramichi to hook into an early salmon. We don't normally have a lot of salmon anglers on the river this time of year but those who are I feel are among a select group of salmon fisherman who put the time in to catch these beautiful fish. These are generally hard core salmon fisherman who live along the river and have salmon fishing in their blood. A very select group. The pictures in the top left slideshow are of the Dungarvon river early in the week. The one of the beaver dam is not on a brook or anything but in the woods off a logging road. I wanted to show how much water is laying on the ground in places. So, high water early this week resulting in slow angling upriver here in the Blackville area. As the rivers dropped we heard of a couple bright salmon being caught above and below Blackville. The bass fishing in Quarryville was fantastic at times with very large numbers per angler being caught. Not a lot on trout but they are there. We should have pretty good angling this weekend. River levels are dropping but still a bit high for wading in most areas. Fishing from a boat might be the best choice although shore fishing will work too. There has been a fire ban so it might be worth checking to see if that is still on. I recommend to have some bug repellent on hand. The critters are around now. The good side of that is we now have hatches on the water. Enjoy the angling and be safe. Saturday May 28th, 2022 River Report. More rain today but it all should end for tomorrow. Rivers and brooks are on the rise and our forests have a good soaking. The reality is, this is good news. Our tributaries were dropping and getting low for this time of year and with forest fire season on us we needed rain. For those who are interested in canoeing our tributaries the rain is welcome news. Water levels are coming up and we can once again pick some of the more technical rivers to canoe. We are on the tail end of fiddlehead season but one could probably find some along the rivers. A few anglers are still catching trout although this rain and raise in water levels may slow that down for a day or two. Not much happening with salmon this week. Our reports were sketchy on salmon catches. There are some brights moving upstream but not a lot of anglers reporting catches. The word on bass is ,they are now well into the fresh water portions of our river system. Word from locals is they are here in Blackville in very large numbers and moving further upstream. Yesterday we heard they were in Upper Blackville and more reports were coming in that they were pretty much throughout the river system. It seems a lot of anglers are focusing on bass now rather than trout and salmon. As water levels drop that will probably change. It is quite noticeable how early the season is this year, especially when one looks at the trees and how well along they are. Most of the trees have leaves and the lilacs in the area are well under way. Along with this progress comes black flies and mosquitoes. Prepare if your going out. Enjoy and be safe. Monday May 23rd, 2022 River Report. Victoria Day long weekend is probably one of my most favorite weekends of the year. It is that time of year when the vegetation is coming alive and after a long winter people have that need to get on our rivers and enjoy the outdoors. I always feel so fortunate to live in this neck of the woods. The Miramichi watershed is so unique with all of its rivers and streams to explore and enjoy. Not to mention fantastic angling. The pictures in the slideshow to the left are from our trip Saturday to my cabin on the Renous on our ATV's. We saw lots of canoers camping and enjoying the weekend. The moose in the second photo is a bit rough looking but it is just the transformation they go through in the Spring when shedding their old Winter coat of hair and getting their new Summer coat. Most of our tributaries would have had canoers on them this weekend. I couldn't help to think of them during the thunder storm Saturday night. We had heavy rain and quite a light show with the lightening and thunder that would scare the Dungarvon Whooper. I am sure it was a bit uncomfortable for some campers but that is all part of the experience. Some reports from anglers coming into the tackle shop were typical for this time of year. Quite a few reports of unreal bass fishing. In fact we always enjoy hearing from anglers coming to the Miramichi and experiencing the bass fishing for the first time. To understand it you have to be here to experience it. That is the only way to explain it. Brookies are taking and anglers are enjoying angling for them especially in the tributaries. We are getting a few reports on nice size trout being caught. A local angler up river above Blackville hooked and released the first bright salmon we have heard of this year. A beautiful female salmon in great shape. I am sure Mr. Gilks had a fight on his hands with that one. Robyn the president of MSA had a nice reminder on her last update this past week on releasing salmon. We really need to keep in mind to release these fish as quickly as possible. Keep in mind we are in forest fire season and although our vegetation is greening up this Spring quite fast our woods is still very dry. Enjoy the angling and be safe. Friday May 20th, 2022 River Report. River levels are dropping. You have to be careful now when running a motor boat here in the Blackville area. Lots of water for canoeing though and we always see large numbers of canoers around on the long weekend. People will be taking advantage of the tributaries for camping, canoeing, trout fishing, and picking fiddleheads. Bass fishing on the lower section of the river in tidewater is very popular right now. Lots of boats around heading to their favorite Bass spots for fishing. Not a lot of comments of Trout being caught on the tributaries yet but that generally happens this weekend. I measured water temperatures yesterday on the main river and it was showing 58F. It is amazing how fast the leaves developed this week on our trees. Lots of green showing but the woods and grass along the shoreline is still very dry. Be very careful of fires. It is a great time of year to be on our rivers. Enjoy and be safe. Saturday May 14th, 2022 River Report. It was a beautiful day today to be on the river. Danny and I took the boys downriver to Quarryville Bass fishing. The past couple of days has been extremely good fishing in that area and we were hoping to hit into some nice Bass. Unfortunately it seemed to shut down in that area while we were there. Danny managed to hook one keeper Bass but the catch of the day went to Roman. As you can see in the slideshow to the left he is one happy boy. Trout like Roman caught today are there but don't always take well and can be hard to get on the fly. Sometimes it is plain old luck and other times it is hours of time on the water before it pays off. For Brennan and I it just wasn't our day. He said at one point to me, "I think our boat is jinxed today". I laughed and told him that he needs to expect days like that. We caught bottom and lost two Bass but didn't land a thing. When it was time to head back upriver I could tell he was quite discourage to not be taking home a Bass or Trout. As we were breaking the rod down and getting things ready to motor upriver I thought to myself this is a good chance to make this a learning experience for him. So I said to Brennan, lets look at what we learned from today's fishing? He didn't think there was much learned until we talked for awhile. But later we agreed that we had to much sinking line out. Water levels were dropping and we didn't adjust to it. He was tired and not on his game. But most of all patience and persistence. Any good fly fisherman at some point learns these two key qualities. I think our discussion helped to ease his disappointment. It was a great day on the river and was nice to see Roman with the catch of the day. Rain is in the forecast. We need it. The Bass will pick up again. We have a lot of good angling ahead of us. Enjoy and be safe! Thursday Afternoon May 12th, 2022 River Report. I have an addition to todays river report and it is good news. This afternoon I was in the Quarryville area and saw a steady run of smelts along the shore. As expected the bass were splashing at times and in quite large groupings. It is really something to see. Apparently the bass and smelts arrived last night. The bass fishing is quite an unusual experience for those who are angling for the first time. The numbers you can catch is quite something. For a lot of anglers this is the time they have been waiting for. Enjoy! Thursday May 12th, 2022 River Report. The pictures in the slideshow to the left were taken yesterday at Shinnickburn on the Cains River. It couldn't have been a more beautiful day and the conditions were perfect. A beautiful couple who had a great experience. Weather forecasts are showing rain for early next week. Our rivers and forests need it. River levels are dropping and are on the low side now for motorboats but great for paddling. We are still getting salmon and trout. The odd comment of good sized trout being caught below Blackville but not much happening yet with the Bass in the Quarryville area. The vegetation is coming alive more each day and with the warm temperatures it is noticeable. When I look back our first reports last year of Bass in Quarryville was around May 9th. So things are a bit late this year. It won't be long though and reports will be coming in that Smelts and Bass are here. These are beautiful days and a great time of year to be on the river. Enjoy and be safe. Monday May 9th, 2022 River Report. We haven't been hearing much of angling or canoeing on the tributaries yet and I have been anxious to get in to open my cabin on the Renous and check on the river conditions. The first two pictures in the slideshow to the left were taken through the trees of the river on the Renous. The other two pictures were taken on the Dungarvon. These two tributaries are perfect for canoeing but may be a bit cold for trout fishing. I wasn't able to check water temperatures. Things will change this week though as our day temperatures are showing warm days ahead. The warmer temperatures will change the water temperatures and things should pick up soon with Bass. Still not hearing of much happening yet in Quarryville about Bass hookups. We know the Trout have been taking and a few Salmon are still being caught. River levels are dropping and are quite clear. We are going to see changes this week though. You can feel it coming. There isn't much snow left and the run off in our brooks have tapered off. In fact some of the brooks are lower than I expected. They are getting nice for fishing. Everything is quite dry along the rivers and in the woods. With this weeks temperatures and very little rain for the next few days it will get even drier. Forest fire season is upon us and this is when it gets dangerous. Keep this in mind if you plan early camping. We should hear more this week of changes and angling on our rivers. I will report when I hear of any changes. Enjoy and be safe! Thursday May 5th, 2022 River Report. The pictures in the slideshow to the left show nice water levels and blue skies on both the Bartholomew and Miramichi rivers here in Blackville. This week certainly has been much better weather wise compared to most of the weather we have been getting since the opening day in April. These warm days are really making a difference in speeding up the vegetation and fishing. Quite a few trees are budding and some even showing early signs of leaves. Water temperatures must be warming up to as more Trout are being caught all the time. In fact Trout seem to be talked about more this week than anything else. Are there Salmon? Yes. In fact ,I got a report from Keith Wilson last night on Salmon still being caught in his neck of the woods above Doaktown. Spotty at times but they are still there. No talk of Bass yet at end of tide water in Quarryville. That is expected to change soon. Good reports coming from downriver though are indicating that they will probably be in the Quarryville area any day now. Lots of anglers heading downriver with boats to fish Bass. Some are hooking crazy numbers. The number of boats going through Blackville on their way to the lower section of the river chasing Bass is increasing every day. This is a great time of year to be angling on the Miramichi. If you are fortunate enough to be in the area fishing I am sure you will be enjoying it. Miramichi Salmon Association is holding its Science Day tomorrow and Annual General Meeting Saturday. You can participate on line or in person this year but need to register first. A great way to get to know what is happening on our watershed. Enjoy the river and be safe. Saturday April 30th, 2022 River Report. It has been a wet soggy week here on the Miramichi. Lots of wind and cooler temperatures for anglers to contend with while on the river. Even though we have had continuous rain since Wednesday the river isn't unfishable. In fact we have had reports of anglers hooking into both Trout and Salmon all week. I am not saying that the catches were in high numbers but anglers were hooking into nice fish in areas along the river. This low that is hanging over the area is supposed to move out and by tomorrow and Monday temperatures will rise and and the skies will clear. Next week is looking much better in regards to weather. Most of our snow has melted but there are patches in places along the river and in shaded areas. Lots of sign of animals, birds and vegetation starting to come alive. We will be into forest fire season soon and need to be careful with fires. As things dry up next week this can become a problem along our rivers. We should hear more today at the tackle shop on catches and river conditions. I will report as I hear more. Enjoy the weekend! Be Safe! Monday April 25th, 2022 River Report. Ten days into the angling season and quite a season it is. Opening day started with lower than normal river levels and good angling. The need for rain though was obvious to those on the river. . By mid week last week we had high river levels due to heavy rain and snow melt. This brought debris, grass, and cooler temperatures slowing the angling down. By Friday though things picked up and was exceptionally good for some anglers on different parts of the river. The last couple of days have been cool and windy making the river choppy at times and more challenging for those chasing salmon. I would say river levels are quite good now and tomorrows temperatures are going to be warmer. It should make for an enjoyable day on the river. Reports are coming in along the river and some anglers are enjoying hooking into very nice sized salmon. In fact some of these salmon are monsters. We still have snow melt and in the northern areas we have snow in shaded areas. We will have salmon fishing for awhile yet. Anglers are still hooking salmon upriver and that is a good sign. I am also hearing of a few trout being caught. The season is really just starting. We can still look forward to the transition where we will be able to motor downriver and fish salmon, trout , and bass. Enjoy and be safe. Friday April 22nd, 2022 River Report. I haven't reported in a couple of days and thought I better give a quick update on the river going into the weekend. The last couple of days have been slow in comparison to the angling prior to Tuesdays heavy rain. Lots of run off, snow melt, debris, and grass to contend with. From some of the reports I am getting this has changed and the river is back to fishing again. I have been getting reports from here in Blackville , Upper Blackville, and Doaktown of the odd salmon being caught. Most feel it will start getting better today and into the weekend. Keep in mind our rivers are high so play it safe. The forecast is showing fairly decent weather today and into the weekend. Dress accordingly, be careful along the shoreline as the grass can be slippery, don't forget your angling license, respect your catches and release your salmon as soon as possible by keeping them in the water and handling as little as possible. Have fun and be safe. Tuesday April 19th, 2022 River Report. It is a cool, wet day here along the Miramichi valley. We have been experiencing heavy rainfall this afternoon and forecasts show rain well into the night. This will probably bring our rivers up quite high. When you consider the snow melt and a lot of the ground still frozen the run off has to go to the rivers. Even though the river has been high from rainfall in the past couple of days it has still been producing salmon and trout in various areas along the river. In fact some anglers are doing quite well for the conditions. Tomorrow will probably look much different with high water levels, debris and ice floating down the river. Another thought to keep in mind is the level of water in our boats. Personally, the first thing I will want to do is bale the water out of my boat in the morning. Enjoy the fishing, be safe, tight lines. Sunday April 17th, 2022 River Report. I took Brennan out this morning for a quick fish and assessment of the river. Although the fishing wasn't that good we were able to enjoy the river and experience its changes in the last two days. River levels are coming up and quite a bit. The rain and snow melt has really brought significant changes to the river. The good thing is that the river is up to nice levels but we had to fight the grass and debris. A bit discouraging when hoping to hook into salmon. If you tune in to your surroundings while on a river you will often observe lots of activity and changes which can happen this time of year on a daily bases. It was hard not to notice the amount of geese and ducks. They seem to be everywhere. A lot of small birds are feeding at the edge of the trees along the shoreline too. We saw a huge Bald Eagle heading downriver. Also along the shoreline was a Muskrat but he didn't stay long once we got close to him. There was also a lot of Beaver sign where they are dropping trees along the shore and a few yards into the woods. One of the pictures in the slideshow to the left shows the buds and small leaves forming on a Maple. This did not exist Friday so gives one an idea how fast things come alive this time of year. Anglers continue to be putting in and taking out here at the park in Blackville. Even though the conditions are not that great there are a lot of people like Brennan and I who just enjoy being on the river. It always seems strange to some folks why a person would want to be on a river in the rain, wind, and cold. I guess for those of us who enjoy the sport can only understand that. The forecast is showing clear weather for tomorrow so maybe things will clear up some between now and then. In the mean time be careful and enjoy the river. Saturday April 16th, 2022 River Report. Yesterday was opening day for another salmon fishing season. It is always an exciting time here on the Miramichi. I really enjoy the excitement among the anglers who can hardly wait to get on the River. It is always a busy time for us at the tackle shop to and over the last few days the ramp here at the park in Blackville has been busy with people putting their boats in the river. The pictures on the left were taken yesterday afternoon. You can see snow along the shoreline in places. Especially the north side of the river or in shaded areas. There is still snow in the woods and the melt will probably last for another two weeks. The river isn't high. In fact for this time of year it is low. We motored up the Cains and Bartholomew and I am glad I did as they may not be passable in the near future if we don't get a good rain. In regards to the fishing, it was quite good from our experience and those we were talking to. We had two salmon on within the first 20 minutes on the water. A lot of anglers were hooking upwards of 9 and 10 salmon yesterday. Even those who were casting from the shore were hooking salmon. We experienced all kinds of weather. Rain, hail and sunshine throughout the day. It is overcast and cool today with rain in the forecast. All in all, a great opening day and a good start to a long weekend for those who are here angling. Enjoy and be safe. Saturday October 16th, 2021 River Report. It is a cloudy , wet, cool morning here on the Miramichi. Today is the first day of what I often refer to as the Off Season. Yesterday was the last day of the angling season and for most of us I think we would have liked to see another week or two of angling. I often find it difficult writing reports as not everyone has the same angling experiences and depending where you are angling it can determine the success of your experience. So my reports generally focus on the lower section of the Main Southwest Miramichi and its tributaries. If I were to sum this season up I would say reports from most guides and outfitters that I talked to commented that it was one of the best seasons in years. We had a good early start. It slowed in August and picked up again around mid September. We didn't seem to get a large Fall run but there was a trickle of salmon moving upriver and for some anglers they had reasonably good Fall fishing while others had to fish hard to get a hookup. Many anglers here on the lower section of the river often comment that our Fall runs are coming in later. Some thoughts are that the Fall runs are coming earlier. This is something that would be nice to have more accurate information on. Maybe angling on the lower section of the river could be extended another week or two. I guess it would be nice to have more accurate research on this topic. I feel it important that I give recognition to our conservation groups like the Atlantic Salmon Federation and Miramichi Salmon Association for all the great work they have been doing here on the Miramichi. To often we forget these folks and the importance they play in protecting our precious salmon resource. As a stakeholder in the industry I am very grateful for what they do. This will probably be my last post unless something of interest comes up that I want to post on. So, on behalf of Cathy, Norma and I, thank you once again for supporting our tackle shop. We really appreciate your business and also enjoy the friendships we make with our customers. Just send an email or leave a message if there is anything we can help you with during the Off Season. Be safe, and the best of health to you in the off season. Thanks again. Monday October 11th, 2021 River Report. Our angling season is winding down here on the Miramichi and I know a few of us are wishing it could be a bit longer. The colors are almost at their peak, river levels are nice for angling, beautiful days, and for those of us who have been spending time on our rivers we certainly will be missing chasing salmon on our favorite streams. I have been hearing from anglers who have been fishing the Renous, Dungarvon, Cains and Miramichi and have been picking up salmon. We still have a few days left, it will be interesting if a large Fall run will start coming in before the end of season. The photos on the top left slideshow are of a few locations and objects I found interesting while angling on the Renous and Dungarvon over the past week or so. One area on the Renous was like a green carpet floor in the forest. The other one that was interesting was the turtle. I don't normally see these this time of year. For those who are still angling, enjoy the last few days. Good luck and enjoy the rivers. Tuesday October 5th, 2021 River Report. A beautiful week so far here on the Miramichi. Cool evenings and nice temperatures during the day. The picture on the right was taken this morning. Always nice to see the early morning fog lifting off the water. River levels are dropping and angling will only get better. A few salmon are being hooked and some feel a Fall run is coming in. Colors are improving each day along our rivers. We still have a lot of trees that are quite green so we can enjoy the changes for some time yet. A great time of year to be salmon fishing. Enjoy and be safe. Friday October 1st, 2021 River Report. Just a quick report going into the weekend. River levels are dropping but the lower section of the Miramichi here in the Blackville area remains high. The tributaries though are a bit more favorable for angling. I was on the Dungarvon today and it was fishable if you are careful. I am hearing the same thing in regards to the Renous and the Cains. It is tough fishing but the odd salmon is being hooked. My friend saw a salmon jump below the Furlong Bridge on the Dungarvon yesterday. Other reports of seeing salmon on the Cains have been coming in. Each day the rivers drop a bit more so hopefully angling will pick up soon. Enjoy the Fall fishing. Be careful. I will report when I hear more. (I am having trouble posting photos to my website so cain't show the changes on the river. Our internet here is ridiculously slow. Hope to get something up soon). Tuesday September 28th, 2021 River Report. Fall is certainly in the air here this week in Salmon Country. Compared to last week the forecast is showing quite a change. The day and evening temperatures are cooling down quite a bit. Colors along our rivers are changing daily now and this is a beautiful time of year to be angling on the Miramichi. Angling continues to be slow. We picked up a few salmon last week on the Renous and the Miramichi produced a few salmon but no major Fall runs yet. It seems there is a trickle of fresh salmon coming in but not large numbers. We tend to see better numbers in October anyway. I spent a lot of time last week on the upper stretches of the Bartholomew, Dungarvon, and Renous. Water levels were perfect at that time and there is no doubt in my mind most of our salmon have moved into their spawning areas. The top picture on the left was taken yesterday on the Dungarvon. Sundays rain really brought our rivers up and once again will slow things down for a few days. Most of the high waters levels all season saw salmon jumping off the shore so, if we get fresh runs coming in this week that will probably happen again. Quite a few anglers are here on the Miramichi enjoying the Fall fishing. We should hear more over the next few days. The second picture down from the top on the left was taken at the Narrows on the Renous. The third picture down on the left was taken at the Falls on the Bartholomew. These are just a few examples of the scenery on the upper stretches of these rivers. Enjoy the fishing, be safe! I will post when I hear more. Sunday September 19th, 2021 River Report. River levels continue to be high and not the greatest for wading. I was on the Dungarvon and Renous yesterday and both are quite high for wading. You can fish but crossing back and forth along the river is a bit tricky. We couldn't ask for a better forecast for the upcoming week. It is going to be nice angling with the warm day temperatures and no rain in the forecast. I expect by Wednesday river levels will be much better for wading. Just a reminder that this week is the annual moose hunt in N. B and you should have hunters orange if you are angling in the backcountry or outside no hunting posted areas. When you look at our rivers right now it is obvious conditions are on the salmon side and they are moving upstream to spawning areas. We generally have a group of hard core salmon fisherman here on the Miramichi in the Fall and this year is no exception. This is home to most of these guys in the Fall season. They are here for weeks and for some months. I have been seeing a few familiar faces around the tackle shop for a couple of weeks now. Quite a few of these anglers are from out of province and country. They aren't just here to enjoy the weather. Most of these anglers are watching the river conditions and spending tremendous amounts of time trying to hook into salmon. There is no doubt in my mind we will soon start hearing of more hook ups and large salmon being caught. This is a great time to be on the Miramichi. Each day you can see a change in the Fall colors and the Fall salmon runs start picking up. I like to spend this week at my cabin so will be away for the week and will not be posting any reports. Get out and enjoy. Hope to see you on the river. Be safe! Tuesday September 14th, 2021 River Report. The pictures in the top left slideshow are from late Sunday afternoon and as the sun was setting in the evening. The Dungarvon was in great shape. I expect a few salmon were moving upstream in these conditions. My time on the river was very short and I didn't hook into anything. Really hated to leave though as you could tell salmon would be moving. Tomorrow is the last day this stretch of the Dungarvon will be open for angling. It closes above the Furlong bridge after the 15th. We are hearing of the odd salmon being hooked on the Miramichi and the Cains. One angler spoke of hooking a bright salmon with sea lice on it. Others are commenting on hooking salmon that are darker in color. These are probably fish that have been in the river from earlier in the season. The rivers are dropping and a few salmon are being hooked and angling can only get better. As water levels drop we will probably start hearing more on the Fall runs. The weather forecast is calling for another 5mm of rain tomorrow. This shouldn't impact the rivers much. Good weather is in the forecast later in the week and those nice Fall days are coming. A great time of year to be salmon fishing. Enjoy and be safe. Sunday September 12th, 2021 River Report. The high water conditions we are experiencing right now on our rivers is a bit frustrating for those wanting to wade and get some angling in but, looking at the positive side of it we should have good Fall fishing for the rest of the season. It isn't great right now on the lower section of the river here in the Blackville area for wading. The river is just to high. We have been hearing of boats floating down the river because of the high water levels. Generally folks along the river try to rescue these boats and find their owners. Hopefully all gets returned to their owners. We are seeing more of our friends from south of the border in the last few days arrive to enjoy the Fall fishing here on the Miramichi. Others from various provinces across Canada are also starting to arrive. The high water conditions we are experiencing should start to drop soon and then we can get a better reading on how good the angling will be. Normally as the river starts to drop after a raise like we have it can be quite good fishing. Because of the river conditions we still don't know if our Fall runs have started coming in yet. So the wait continues. Fall angling season is upon us though. the days are getting shorter, evenings are much cooler, the odd maple is showing color, and another indicator is the hummingbirds have disappeared in this area. I am sure the Fall salmon runs will start soon. We will post when we hear of any changes. Be safe. Wednesday September 8th, 2021 River Report. I was at my cabin yesterday on the Renous and couldn't help to notice how good of shape the Dungarvon and Renous rivers are in. Both rivers are at a good level and water temperatures are cool and not a concern now at all. The story is the same on the Main Southwest Miramichi. We have been hearing from some anglers at the tackle shop who are landing salmon but it seems to have slowed down in the last day or so. That doesn't mean the angling is poor it just isn't maybe as good as it was. The forecast is showing significant rainfall starting tomorrow afternoon into Friday. That will raise our rivers again and possibly bring in some fresh salmon. The wait is on now for fresh Fall salmon runs to start. We also seem to be back into a weekly cycle of rain again and that will keep our rivers in good shape for the Fall salmon returns. More anglers are getting back on the river and we should hear more in the next few days. I will report as I hear more. Enjoy the rivers and be safe. Sunday September 5th, 2021 River Report. I provided a few pictures to show river levels before and after this weeks rain. The first picture of the boat ramp here in the park in Blackville was taken Thursday morning just as a few drops of rain was starting. The second picture of the boat ramp was taken yesterday morning. The third picture is looking down the Bartholomew River from the park in Blackville towards the mouth where it flows into the Miramichi. River levels have crested and are probably dropping since yesterday morning. The boat in the picture is mine. I really hated to take it out but thought it best as the water was a good height and I was able to motor right up to the ramp. While loading the boat on the trailer a salmon jumped about 20' off shore. You can only imagine the decision I had to make at that time. After some thought I decided to continue with my original plans. I generally spend more time at my camp on the Renous in the Fall and like fishing the backcountry so decided it best to finish loading the boat and put it in storage. River levels are nice and there is no doubt we will have some good Fall fishing in the future. I will report as I hear more. Enjoy the river and be safe.Tuesday August 31st, 2021 River Report. Just a quick note that angling on the Miramichi watershed is completely open. All cold water pools are now open and things are back to normal. The forecast is showing cooler days and evenings which will end the warm water protocols for this season. We have been getting reports of salmon showing along the river but due to closures we don't know how well the salmon are taking. Getting anglers back on the river will give us a better indicator of conditions and also discourage poaching. Looking forward to seeing everyone again and hearing your angling stories. Enjoy and be safe! Monday August 30th, 2021 River Report. I was away on the weekend so just getting a chance to comment on river conditions. It started raining overnight and has been raining here in the Blackville area most of the day but really hard between 3:30 PM and 5:00 PM. We can use the rain. Water levels have dropped and a good soaking would help a lot. I measured water temperatures this morning around 10:00 and my thermometer was showing 67F - 68F. These are the kind of temperatures we were expecting now that the cooler days and evenings are upon us. The forecast is for cooler days and evenings this week so a further drop in temperatures can be expected. The rivers are now open for angling again but the cold water pools are still closed. That should change soon. I had an interesting conversation with an older gentleman today regarding dog days and all the attention now on the river during this time of the summer. He was commenting how years ago the outfits and salmon fisherman didn't fish during this time of the season. It was just something you didn't do. Now days we have warm water protocols and all kinds of attention on the rivers when they warm up. He understands how we have global warming but said that the rivers always warmed up in August but it was just common practice to put the rods up until late august and early September. I personally remember those days. My parents didn't want me around the river during dog days. They always said to wait for things to cool down. This practice is still followed by locals and the older generation of salmon anglers. There are many habits among salmon anglers and this is one that nature seemed to take its course with. Fall fishing is just around the corner. You can see the early signs of Fall now as the odd Maple is turning color in some areas especially those on the edge of wetlands. I will post as things change. Enjoy and be safe! Thursday August 26th, 2021 River Report. I took the two pictures in the slideshow to the left yesterday afternoon at the park here in Blackville. As you can see the river is at a nice height for fishing. We generally see a raise in river levels here on the lower section 12 hours after a rain. When river levels are flowing along the edge of the grass on the shore it is a good sign. Quite a few reports came in yesterday of seeing salmon jumping along the river. Salmon may be on the move. While taking the pictures I set my thermometer in the water to get a reading. Mind you it was on the edge of the shore in 3" of water. The thermometer showed 74F. It was warm yesterday afternoon and the forecast is for warmer temperatures today. I expect it may warm up more but with the cooler run off it may hold pretty good. The good news is temperatures are changing tomorrow and it will be much cooler during the coming days and even more so in the evenings. It doesn't take long when temperatures are in the low 20's and 10C at night to change river temperatures. With luck we may see things opening on the weekend. I know of a lot of anglers who are hoping to see the river open soon. Lets hope for good news on that in the near future. Be safe. Tuesday August 24th, 2021 River Report. While at the river today to bail my boat out I took a couple of pictures. As you can see the river is low now and the rain we got last night and today will be a big help. Most of our boats were up on the shore as the river dropped quite a bit in the last two weeks. The first picture is looking up the Bartholomew from the Miramichi. The second is looking downriver. You can see the boat on the shore. The third picture I took on the Dungarvon this past Saturday. The water temperatures surprised me as my thermometer was showing 73F. So the river temperatures have dropped. We probably won't see a raise in river levels until tomorrow. Not sure how much rain we did get in total but I had a good amount in my boat and it rained again this afternoon. The forecast is showing warm weather for tomorrow and Thursday and a change coming Friday. Going into the weekend will be much cooler and most anglers I am talking to are hoping to see the rivers open for angling soon. We really need to get anglers back on the river again as the level of poaching is increasing. Salmon are laying in cold water pools at the mouths of brooks and are very easy to poach using spin gear and gill nets. We have been hearing of poaching happening over the past couple of years and this year it seems to have increased quite a bit. This culture of poaching once started is very hard to stop. I always felt anglers on the river was one of the best ways to help keep it controlled. Looking forward to cooler weather. This humid heat wave is getting a bit old. I will report when I hear more. Friday August 20th, 2021 River Report. I just saw on the MSA website that DFO will be shutting down the Miramichi watershed for all angling starting tomorrow. Although the weather is showing lower temperatures in the forecast tonight and going into next week they feel the salmon are under enough stress and it is better to let them rest until water temperatures return to normal. I will post when I hear more. Wednesday August 18th, 2021 River Report. Temperatures continue to be warm here in the Miramichi Valley and water temperatures are not reaching levels yet to lift warm water protocols. Today DFO made notice that they will be adding no fishing between 11:00AM to 6:00AM. This is normal practice for this time of year. The forecast is showing warm temperatures until the weekend and then we are looking at cooler temperatures next week. Ideally cooler temperatures and more rain would help open things up again. We are looking at that possibly happening next week. Still getting reports from canoers and customers coming into the tackle shop of seeing salmon jumping here in the lower section of the river. Yesterday our conservation groups applied rotenone to the area around Miramichi Lake and a section of the river that Smallmouth Bass are in. This is a huge effort by our conservation groups in a remote area that is very difficult to work in. Hats off to the folks up there. We haven't been seeing our friends from these conservation groups this summer at all as the resources it has been taking to make this effort possible is huge. You guys deserve a medal for making this happen. Looking forward to seeing you soon. I will report as I hear more. Be safe. Saturday August 14th, 2021 River Report. The pictures in the top left slideshow were taken yesterday on the Dungarvon at Red Pine Landing and upriver and downriver from Mitchell Brook. With brook closures throughout the watershed I was curious to see how the Dungarvon was looking. We were able to make it into Mitchell Brook on the ATV's. This heat wave is not comfortable for angling or doing much of anything. As you can see from the pictures we can use rain but I am surprised at how good of shape this river is in. We also noticed the wet areas and brooks had a good flow. They are holding well and if this heatwave ends soon some of our rivers may be fishable within a short time. We certainly need rain and a good amount but I have seen it much drier and lower for this time of year. Very little rain is in the forecast. It seems our weekly cycle of rain has ended and our typical dog days are upon us for this time of year. The temperatures are dropping tomorrow and the humidity with it. It will still continue to be warm though for the next week or so. It is looking like another week will pass before we see cooler evenings and day temperatures. I have been meeting quite a few salmon fisherman from south of the border in the last few days. It is great to see the old familiar faces we have missed since covid started. You have to take your hat off to these guys who chose to be here on the Miramichi regardless of the heatwave and brook closures. I often mention the small salmon fishing community we belong to and this is an example of the dedication and the lure that brings us to the Miramichi. Glad to have you folks back on the banks of the Miramichi. Enjoy! I will report when I hear of any changes. Thursday August 12th, 2021 River Report. This heat wave has really warmed the Miramichi river system up in the last few days. DFO has put warm water protocol in place for various brooks and sections of our rivers. These locations will be closed until water temperatures drop again. Check the DFO website to find the specific locations. In the mean time be safe in this heat wave. I will report when I hear more. Monday August 9th, 2021 River Report. Top priority for the salmon angling community along the Miramichi today is seeing our friends from south of the border. Hopefully all will go well and there will be no problems at the border. I am sure some of the early travelers will get it figured out and be able to pass on any help to make things easier for those to follow. Really looking forward to seeing you folks. I have been running into some problems posting pictures on my website lately so be patient until I can get that figured out. The two top pictures were taken Saturday morning at the mouth of Bartholomew here in Blackville. Fridays rain did bring the river up a couple of inches and it is holding quite well for this time of year. Temperatures are starting to raise though and for some pools it is slowing the number of hookups. This is not the case everywhere as some pools are producing quite well for this time of year. We have to remember, most years we would be well into the early stages of dog days here on the river. The weekly rainfall and cooler evenings have made for an exceptional angling season so far. So for those early salmon anglers coming to the Miramichi here is what you are coming to in regards to the river. At 9:30 Saturday morning I measured the river temperatures and my thermometer showed 70F. Keep in mind I am referring to the lower section of the river in the Blackville area. The river came up 3-4 inches and is really at a nice level for angling most low water pools now. Salmon are holding here in the lower section and most anglers and canoers are reporting seeing salmon jumping all along the river. I had canoers on the river Saturday and they saw salmon from Blissfield to Blackville. One of the local outfitters reported salmon showing in every pool they fished in Saturday morning. This morning the temperatures dropped to 10C and should have helped bring the water temperatures down a bit. The forecast for this week though is warm weather. We will have to see how that shapes up. I just talked to an angler who came into the tackle shop and reported seeing lots of salmon and he was hurrying to get back to the river. That is generally a very good sign. Enjoy the river. I will report when I hear more. Good luck at the border to our southern friends. Thursday August 5th, 2021 River Report. I have been using the boat ramp at the park in Blackville quite often to give you an idea of river levels as I generally go there to take water temperatures and check on the Coughlan Bar. As you can see from the picture on the top left the bar is starting to show quite well and the ramp is now high and dry. When river levels are at this height salmon tend to hold in the pools here on the lower sect |
Saturday June 22nd, 2019 River Report.
I put a group of canoers in the river yesterday afternoon around 3:00PM. Though it was raining this group were not deterred from making their annual run on the Miramichi. The river looked good and water temperatures were quite cold to the touch. The rain Thursday night and Friday has brought a nice change to the river. One text this morning from a guide and pool owner in the Upper Blackville area suggests it should make for nice salmon fishing. While river levels were on the rise last night one of his anglers hooked a large salmon but unfortunately didn't land it. Although the grilse seem to be outnumbering the salmon in the river right now the salmon we are seeing are big fish. These are not always easy to land. Some just seem to have a mind of their own and cooperating with the angler isn't it.
Other reports from Thursday indicate salmon, grilse, and shad being caught here in the Blackville area. Actually, there is quite a few shad in the Blackville and Upper Blackville area right now and for those who angle them they can be a lot of fun. Not as much fight as a salmon but still a nice fight for that first run. Another bonus is you can keep a shad.
The river levels should start dropping today and with that we sometimes see salmon taking better on the fly. This is a beautiful time to be fishing our rivers right now. Most of the anglers we are talking to coming through the tackle shop are commenting on how healthy things look along the river. The trees and foliage have those rich colours only seen this time of year. Not to mention a river with an abundance of bass, good salmon returns, and a nice run of shad all for the angling.
I took Brennan our 12 year old grandson out trout fishing Monday night. He has been showing an interest for the past couple of weeks so I took him to a trout hole I tend to fish not far from our house. We spent some time going over the fly rod and the basics of casting on the grass before going to the river. His first cast he hooked a 6" trout. Before the evening was over, and we only spent 2 hours on the river ,we had hooked 3 trout . Tuesday night his bicycle was here at the house and the trout rod was gone. I noticed this around 3:00 PM shortly after school would be out. He couldn't wait to get to the river. I am telling this story because we are seeing a number of parents this season who are getting their kids out on the river. We tend to see this generation engaged in cell phones, computers, etc and not interested in the river and fishing. For those parents who stopped fishing after hook and release was mandated for salmon angling they are finding it quite enjoyable to be back on the river. I guess we have to ask ourselves, just because we cain't keep a salmon, should we stop angling even though we have some of the best fishing for bass, trout and shad which we can keep? This generation of kids want to fish. Lets get them on our rivers. You soon will find out our old values may not be that important to them at all. These kids are much more aware of our environment than most of us are. Lets give them the chance to be future Stewarts of our rivers.
I am off to the cabin on the Renous for the weekend. Will not be reporting for a few days. As we get back next week I will get back to my updates. Enjoy the weekend.
Monday June 17th, 2019 River Report.
I was able to do a follow up today on whether the Shad are this far upriver. I was curious as some anglers enjoy these fish and like to know when they are in the Blackville and Upper Blackville area. Normally I will confirm this information from a couple of guys upriver, and Randall Connors had called me to join him at his farm for a morning of fishing so I took him up on it. He brought along his 5 year old son Ivan who is a very fortunate youngster. Ivan can already run the boat motor and fish using a fly rod. Of course growing up on the banks of the river is a bit of incentive.
We left the farm and headed down river to Randalls lower pool. It was a beautiful morning with the sun out and very little cloud cover. The first thing we saw on an island to our left was a Bald Eagle. Then on river right we saw another Bald Eagle. Both were large mature birds who much like us were looking for fish. Randall claims there is a Bald Eagle about every 4-5 miles along the river now.
As we reached the pool and kitted up to fish for Salmon Randall pointed out how the island had changed and the run was much faster on his side of the river, all to his advantage. Saturday night was the last time a bright salmon was hooked in his pool and he was anxious to see if there were more in the pool. He was telling me how these bright salmon haven't been showing at all but are there. He also noticed how they will lie in the pool and not show any interest at times in a fly. That seemed to be the case this morning. We were really there to see if any shad was this far up the river so after a few passes through the pool we motored upriver and did a float down through the pool. Sure enough, we counted 8-10 salmon and grilse and lots of shad. Excited to see the pool again we did another pass and counted more shad. Once we verified there were shad in the area we decide to motor as far up as the Upper Blackville bridge and float down through the different pools. The bridge pool showed 1 grilse and lots of shad. Further downriver at Randalls upper pool we couldn't count the shad. There was just to many.
To top the morning off we also watched a groundhog swimming across the river. He was not a very fast swimmer and we discussed how they must make prey for the Bald Eagles.
After talking to anglers today at the shop we know they are also catching the odd bright salmon upriver in Doaktown and further up towards Boiestown. For whatever reason they aren't showing a whole lot at this time and in Randalls case his pool seems to be producing more in the evenings as they hooked 3 the other evening. The river is up due to last weeks rain and the water temperatures today around noon were in the mid 60's.
I really enjoy this stretch of the river. It is easy wading and your back cast is free of any obstacles. It is always a pleasure to spend the best part of a day on the river with locals like Randall. They grew up on the banks of the river and have farmed its shores for generations. This local knowledge is a very valuable asset as they understand how any change in the river, temperatures, water levels, etc can impact the fishing. Thanks again Randall. Really appreciate hanging out on the river with you and your son Ivan.
Saturday June 15th, 2019 River Report.
For two weeks now or a little better we have been hearing of early bright Salmon being caught mainly on the lower section here of the Miramichi. Generally it is spotty as this time of year the only people on the river fishing are those select anglers who want to hook into a Rocky Brook Salmon or bright June Salmon. With few anglers around the reports are few. Things always tend to change quite fast though around mid June and as the lodges and clubs start opening we get more reports of Salmon being hooked.
Yesterday, I heard of a number of Salmon being hooked below Blackville. This morning I received a call from an old friend in the Upper Blackville area to tell me they are doing quite well in his pool. Last night they hooked into 3 bright Salmon. All large Salmon and what a joy the anglers had bringing them in. Prior to last nights catch they have been watching a good number of Salmon lying in the pool but wouldn't take. These are early bright Salmon just coming in from a long migration from Greenland. We are also hearing from people who are on the river of quite a few Salmon jumping as they move upriver.
From the reports I am getting there seems to be a healthy run of Salmon on at this time. This is good news for the Miramichi and maybe the work of our conservation groups with Greenland is finally paying off.
River levels are good for wading in most pools, the water temperatures are cool, and with Salmon showing like they are we should have good reports over the next few days.
There has also been a report on Shad here in the Blackville area. I have a local guy that I need to see who will verify that for me.
So, things are shaping up to be good fishing for the next while, we can only hope this will be early signs of a great season here on the Miramichi. Time to get your rods out and get on the river. Enjoy the angling.
Tuesday June 11th ,2019 River Report.
I had the pleasure last week to spend some time with and old friend canoeing the Miramichi from Halfmoon to the Norrad Bridge in Boiestown. The last part of the week I spent on the Renous. Lots of river time. I have to comment that this old friend absolutely loves to fish and be on the river. He spends a lot of time on the river salmon fishing and is considered one of the best salmon fisherman in our area. We had a trip of a lifetime. Water levels were dropping so we spent most of our time paddling to get down river to better river levels. The upper part is quite fast and with the river dropping we wanted to get below Push Be Damn.
Lots of hatches and we could see trout coming to the top feeding within minutes of putting in at Halfmoon. The pollen was plentiful and the shoreline in places was completely yellow. Bald Eagles and Hawks along with Kingfishers kept us company all along the river. This time of year is always alive with wildlife along our local rivers.
Although salmon and sea run trout have been caught in the lower section of the river we didn't see much on the upper section. It was like they haven't made it up that far yet. We talked to one club caretaker and he said they will be opening for this weekend and they generally start fishing around mid June. So we may have been a bit early.
Here on the lower section of the river there has been word of salmon being caught in Quarryville and also salmon showing in the Upper Blackville area.
I also talked to a couple of Bass fisherman who were doing quite well. They said they quit fishing after landing 100 Bass between the two of them.
More anglers are starting to get their kits ready to start salmon fishing for the season so as we get more people on the river the reports will start coming in about salmon being caught. It is a bit early but things are going to change fast.
Sunday June 2nd,2019 River Report.
I initially did my river report earlier this morning and while having a late breakfast Norma and I were discussing the weeks fishing and changes on the river. After giving it some thought I felt it time to acknowledge a very small group of anglers who are really part of an elite group in my mind. This is a group of anglers that if offered a trip to New York, London, Paris, etc they would have to decline as they could not be anywhere else other than on the Miramichi chasing bright early run salmon and sea run trout. Most of these guys are usually locals but a fair number are camp owners along the river who are lured by the river and its early season angling. It is really interesting how some of them know it is that time of year to be on the river. Years of running a local tackle shop have given us the opportunity to meet most of these characters and get to know their annual habits. How is it that they know the time is right to start fishing early run salmon? All of a sudden they will show up at the tackle shop for a salmon license, purchase a few flies and other odds and ends and then off they go. Sometimes it may be only hours and other times it may be a few days but then we hear they have hooked into a bright Rocky Brook Salmon. Yes, a very select group of salmon fisherman who I have the utmost respect for and once again tip my hat too. Hats off guys. If you are reading this know that you are being recognized as part of a group of very select salmon fisherman on the Miramichi.
Getting that out of the way now to the past weeks river report. This is probably one of the most exciting times for some anglers on the Miramichi. There is always that small group who are engaged in the river and are anticipating the return of bright salmon and sea run trout. It is felt by some the ultimate angling experience on the Miramichi is hooking into large sea run trout or an early bright salmon. Some of this small group feel it is time ,while others spend enough time on the river watching the changes in river levels, blossoms on the trees ,insect hatches, etc and know it is the time to get out there. For this group that time has finally arrived. There have been numerous accounts of both sea run trout and bright salmon being caught here on the S.W Miramichi in this past week. We noticed earlier in the week some anglers using dry flies and being successful for sea run trout. These are the best of the best for some anglers and hooking into a Rocky Brook Salmon is the ultimate experience.
River levels are dropping and we will soon find some of the tributaries will not be as accessible in the near future. Rain will help and hopefully we will be able to get another few weeks of good canoeing in. Our trees in the last week have really come alive. It is hard to believe how fast things will green up in one week.
If you are spending any amount of time canoeing and fishing it is advisable now to bring fly repellent as the hatches are starting. A great time of year to be on our rivers. Be safe and enjoy.
Sunday May 26th, 2019 River Report.
Reports from anglers around the tackle shop this weekend indicate changes on the river. We were told a few salmon are still being caught upriver in the Blissfield area but it has slowed down in the Quarryville section of the river. Fewer large trout and hardly any bass are being caught compared to the last couple of weeks. The slow down seemed to start last Thursday and hasn't picked up yet. We did have some great angling for a couple of weeks in this area. There is word that sea run trout are being caught upriver in the Boiestown area.
The focus now will be on Sea Run Trout. We are already having anglers asking about them who are out there hoping to get into a big one. No word yet of any bright salmon on the S.W Miramichi. There was mention of one being caught on the N.W Miramichi.
River levels remain good for canoeing the tributaries and we had canoers on the Dungarvon who said the fiddle heads were plentiful. We are not hearing of many brookies being caught on the tributaries yet. Most people are canoeing the tributaries and not focusing on the trout fishing. We will soon hear of anglers picking up nice trout as we are approaching that time.
A word of caution in regards to camp fires. The woods is really quite dry even though there has been a lot of rain. Things are starting to green up and the leaves are slowly coming out but a lot of underbrush is very dry. This is a time when forest fires can get out of hand very fast.
Enjoy the fishing. This is one of the best times of year to get your gear out and get on the rivers. I will report as I hear more.
Tuesday May 21st, 2019 River Report.
It was an interesting long weekend in that the weather was really not that great for angling, canoeing, camping, etc, but a lot of people enjoyed it anyway. We were quite busy outfitting people with canoes and shuttling them to the drop off and take out points. Our tributaries in this area have perfect river levels at this time for canoeing and quite a few people are taking advantage of the good conditions.
Whether canoeing, fishing, or enjoying the abundance of fiddle heads that are available everyone we talked to seemed to be anxious to enjoy the outdoors regardless of the wet, cooler weather.
Most of the lodges have seen the last of the sportsman here to chase our Black Salmon. Though there are probably a few late salmon still lingering in the river most of the anglers now are concentrating on the trout and bass. Here is how a typical day looked last week for anglers. Salmon were mainly caught in the mornings while trout were hooked easier in the afternoons, the evenings then produced some extremely good bass fishing. There seems to be mixed reports on the bass fishing but our customers fishing with flies have been very successful. This has been a trend for over a week now. While other areas are not producing very many bass and some say the water is to cold, etc the Main South West Miramichi in the Quarryville area has had what one customer termed "ridiculous fishing". We have seen videos and pictures of the river boiling with bass in this area along with some ear to ear smiles. I guess it is important to know that depending where you are fishing the results can be quite different. Many of our locals find they can put their boats in here at the park in Blackville, enjoy the boat ride to Quarryville, and have great trout and bass fishing for the day. One really cain't complain about that for a day on the river.
Thursday May 16th, 2019 River Report.
Cold, wet, windy conditions haven't kept all anglers off the river. Though conditions haven't been the greatest those who are braving the elements are having some success. Rewards of salmon, good trout, and bass continue to be the talk by those coming into the tackle shop for gear. There seem to be good pockets of time during the day that produce quite well.
We continue to hear of salmon still showing upriver and here on the lower section they are being caught in reasonable numbers for this time of year. My impression from anglers and guides are that there is a much better showing of larger trout this year. Almost everyone we talk to who are angling for salmon are quite happy with the trout they are catching. If you are fishing in the Quarryville area the norm now is salmon, trout, and bass on the fly.
We have rain in the forecast and a gradual rise in temperatures. Most anglers feel the fishing will continue to be good for awhile yet. For those who like to chase the trout now is a good time to be on the river. Dress warm and enjoy the fishing.
Tuesday May 14th, 2019 River Report.
We continue to hear of salmon being caught. Not the large numbers as before but it hasn't been that bad in the last day or so. The odd angler is actually doing quite well. Once again ,this week seems to be showing large numbers of trout being caught while fishing salmon. Quite a few anglers are also hooking into bass in the Quarryville area. In fact it is really good fishing at times.
The weather is cold and cloudy and tomorrow we have rain and possible snow in the forecast. Dress warm and enjoy the fishing.
Monday May 6th, 2019 River Report.
Just a quick update on the river. I did an early morning report yesterday and up to Saturday we were having quite good fishing. Through the day yesterday we were hearing from more anglers coming into the tackles shop that they were catching fewer salmon. Today that trend seems to continue. There are some lucky anglers out there that seem to be doing O.K but others not so good. This seems to be following the up and down trend that we have been experiencing in the past couple of weeks. We still have salmon upriver so there will continue to be salmon coming downriver for some time.
This is salmon fishing and as things change I will keep my reports updated. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow. Lets see if that will change it up.
Sunday May 5th 2019 River Report.
Fishing conditions are quite good at this time. A lot of anglers are catching salmon and we are getting more reports of higher numbers of large trout being hooked. It isn't uncommon to hear from anglers here at the tackle shop who have caught a dozen plus salmon in the morning and were going out again for the afternoon. Lots of fisherman on the river. We did a fly casting course yesterday and would see a minimum of three boats at any given time fishing within our view.
Water temperatures remain quite cold and the salmon continue to stay low in the river. Those having the most success seem to be fishing with fast sinking lines. We still have a lot of snow in the woods and the melt is keeping the river temperatures cold. Our daily temperatures are getting higher so that can change quite fast. It has been a nice couple of days on the river and we have more in the forecast.
The buds are becoming more noticeable on the trees and things are changing fast as each day brings change. It is a great time to be on the Miramichi. Looking forward to this week. Everything is coming to life and the fishing couldn't be better.
Wednesday May 1st 2019, River Report.
By Friday of last week the angling was quite good. Rain on Saturday raised the river and by Sunday water levels were high enough to have grass, etc floating down it. The rivers started clearing by Monday and a few salmon were caught. Today the reports were more positive and we seem to be back into good fishing again. Along with salmon being landed we are also hearing of large trout being hooked. The smelts are in at Quarryville and some people are fishing them. The forecast is showing warmer days ahead so angling should continue to be good.
We are now seeing more of the seasoned salmon fisherman on the river. It is always good to see the guys back for another season. Good weather over the next few days should yield positive results. I will post as I hear more. Enjoy the fishing.
Friday April 26th, 2019 River Report.
End of day report.
It was a good day on the river today. A larger number of anglers are on the river and almost everyone coming into the tackle shop were reporting hooking into salmon. Even this evening trucks are still going into the park here in Blackville to unload boats and get the remaining evening fishing in. One group told of hooking upwards of 19 salmon today, while others are not so lucky, they are hooking salmon. Popular flies are Golden Eagle, Black Ghost, and pink colored flies. I haven't replaced my pictures yet but hope to get new ones soon. The river is really quite a bit lower now than the existing pictures show. Expect tomorrow to be another good day.
Just a quick morning report. The river continues to drop, in fact it is becoming quite fishable. I am surprised at just how much it has dropped in the last two days. Forcast is for sunny and warm today with rain tomorrow. Expect we will see good fishing today and over the weekend. Will continue to report any updates.
Thursday April 25th, 2019 River Report
Addition to todays report - Things are quickly changing on the river. This afternoon we had quite a few anglers in telling of hooking into large salmon. One angler had hooked into 4 himself. Others were telling of hooking and losing salmon. The popular fly at this time is the Golden Eagle. The rivers have been dropping and are low enough now for the salmon to take. As word gets out more anglers will start launching their boats and we will continue to hear stories of hooking into the big ones. I will report as we hear more.
I checked the river last night at the park here in Blackville and it is slowly dropping. Both the Bartholomew and the SW Miramichi are showing signs of a gradual drop in water levels. More boaters are starting to get out on the river but still not hearing much yet on salmon being hooked. We need to remember that it usually takes a few days to a week for the river to clear and drop after the ice starts moving. With so much rain and the large amounts of snow in the woods we can expect it will be longer this year for angling conditions to get better. Snow on the ground here this morning. Much better weather in the forcast for tomorrow and weekend. Hopefully the weekend will bring positive angling news.
Monday April 22nd, 2019 River Report.
The slideshow contains pictures I took Sunday evening at the park in Blackville and the old train bridge on the Bartholomew River facing down river towards the Miramichi. As you can see the river is quite high. This morning when I looked it was still quite high with no ice or debris that I could see. It is slowly dropping but continues to remain high.We have more rain in the forcast for tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised to hear of boaters out in the river soon. I will post updates as I hear more.
I put a group of canoers in the river yesterday afternoon around 3:00PM. Though it was raining this group were not deterred from making their annual run on the Miramichi. The river looked good and water temperatures were quite cold to the touch. The rain Thursday night and Friday has brought a nice change to the river. One text this morning from a guide and pool owner in the Upper Blackville area suggests it should make for nice salmon fishing. While river levels were on the rise last night one of his anglers hooked a large salmon but unfortunately didn't land it. Although the grilse seem to be outnumbering the salmon in the river right now the salmon we are seeing are big fish. These are not always easy to land. Some just seem to have a mind of their own and cooperating with the angler isn't it.
Other reports from Thursday indicate salmon, grilse, and shad being caught here in the Blackville area. Actually, there is quite a few shad in the Blackville and Upper Blackville area right now and for those who angle them they can be a lot of fun. Not as much fight as a salmon but still a nice fight for that first run. Another bonus is you can keep a shad.
The river levels should start dropping today and with that we sometimes see salmon taking better on the fly. This is a beautiful time to be fishing our rivers right now. Most of the anglers we are talking to coming through the tackle shop are commenting on how healthy things look along the river. The trees and foliage have those rich colours only seen this time of year. Not to mention a river with an abundance of bass, good salmon returns, and a nice run of shad all for the angling.
I took Brennan our 12 year old grandson out trout fishing Monday night. He has been showing an interest for the past couple of weeks so I took him to a trout hole I tend to fish not far from our house. We spent some time going over the fly rod and the basics of casting on the grass before going to the river. His first cast he hooked a 6" trout. Before the evening was over, and we only spent 2 hours on the river ,we had hooked 3 trout . Tuesday night his bicycle was here at the house and the trout rod was gone. I noticed this around 3:00 PM shortly after school would be out. He couldn't wait to get to the river. I am telling this story because we are seeing a number of parents this season who are getting their kids out on the river. We tend to see this generation engaged in cell phones, computers, etc and not interested in the river and fishing. For those parents who stopped fishing after hook and release was mandated for salmon angling they are finding it quite enjoyable to be back on the river. I guess we have to ask ourselves, just because we cain't keep a salmon, should we stop angling even though we have some of the best fishing for bass, trout and shad which we can keep? This generation of kids want to fish. Lets get them on our rivers. You soon will find out our old values may not be that important to them at all. These kids are much more aware of our environment than most of us are. Lets give them the chance to be future Stewarts of our rivers.
I am off to the cabin on the Renous for the weekend. Will not be reporting for a few days. As we get back next week I will get back to my updates. Enjoy the weekend.
Monday June 17th, 2019 River Report.
I was able to do a follow up today on whether the Shad are this far upriver. I was curious as some anglers enjoy these fish and like to know when they are in the Blackville and Upper Blackville area. Normally I will confirm this information from a couple of guys upriver, and Randall Connors had called me to join him at his farm for a morning of fishing so I took him up on it. He brought along his 5 year old son Ivan who is a very fortunate youngster. Ivan can already run the boat motor and fish using a fly rod. Of course growing up on the banks of the river is a bit of incentive.
We left the farm and headed down river to Randalls lower pool. It was a beautiful morning with the sun out and very little cloud cover. The first thing we saw on an island to our left was a Bald Eagle. Then on river right we saw another Bald Eagle. Both were large mature birds who much like us were looking for fish. Randall claims there is a Bald Eagle about every 4-5 miles along the river now.
As we reached the pool and kitted up to fish for Salmon Randall pointed out how the island had changed and the run was much faster on his side of the river, all to his advantage. Saturday night was the last time a bright salmon was hooked in his pool and he was anxious to see if there were more in the pool. He was telling me how these bright salmon haven't been showing at all but are there. He also noticed how they will lie in the pool and not show any interest at times in a fly. That seemed to be the case this morning. We were really there to see if any shad was this far up the river so after a few passes through the pool we motored upriver and did a float down through the pool. Sure enough, we counted 8-10 salmon and grilse and lots of shad. Excited to see the pool again we did another pass and counted more shad. Once we verified there were shad in the area we decide to motor as far up as the Upper Blackville bridge and float down through the different pools. The bridge pool showed 1 grilse and lots of shad. Further downriver at Randalls upper pool we couldn't count the shad. There was just to many.
To top the morning off we also watched a groundhog swimming across the river. He was not a very fast swimmer and we discussed how they must make prey for the Bald Eagles.
After talking to anglers today at the shop we know they are also catching the odd bright salmon upriver in Doaktown and further up towards Boiestown. For whatever reason they aren't showing a whole lot at this time and in Randalls case his pool seems to be producing more in the evenings as they hooked 3 the other evening. The river is up due to last weeks rain and the water temperatures today around noon were in the mid 60's.
I really enjoy this stretch of the river. It is easy wading and your back cast is free of any obstacles. It is always a pleasure to spend the best part of a day on the river with locals like Randall. They grew up on the banks of the river and have farmed its shores for generations. This local knowledge is a very valuable asset as they understand how any change in the river, temperatures, water levels, etc can impact the fishing. Thanks again Randall. Really appreciate hanging out on the river with you and your son Ivan.
Saturday June 15th, 2019 River Report.
For two weeks now or a little better we have been hearing of early bright Salmon being caught mainly on the lower section here of the Miramichi. Generally it is spotty as this time of year the only people on the river fishing are those select anglers who want to hook into a Rocky Brook Salmon or bright June Salmon. With few anglers around the reports are few. Things always tend to change quite fast though around mid June and as the lodges and clubs start opening we get more reports of Salmon being hooked.
Yesterday, I heard of a number of Salmon being hooked below Blackville. This morning I received a call from an old friend in the Upper Blackville area to tell me they are doing quite well in his pool. Last night they hooked into 3 bright Salmon. All large Salmon and what a joy the anglers had bringing them in. Prior to last nights catch they have been watching a good number of Salmon lying in the pool but wouldn't take. These are early bright Salmon just coming in from a long migration from Greenland. We are also hearing from people who are on the river of quite a few Salmon jumping as they move upriver.
From the reports I am getting there seems to be a healthy run of Salmon on at this time. This is good news for the Miramichi and maybe the work of our conservation groups with Greenland is finally paying off.
River levels are good for wading in most pools, the water temperatures are cool, and with Salmon showing like they are we should have good reports over the next few days.
There has also been a report on Shad here in the Blackville area. I have a local guy that I need to see who will verify that for me.
So, things are shaping up to be good fishing for the next while, we can only hope this will be early signs of a great season here on the Miramichi. Time to get your rods out and get on the river. Enjoy the angling.
Tuesday June 11th ,2019 River Report.
I had the pleasure last week to spend some time with and old friend canoeing the Miramichi from Halfmoon to the Norrad Bridge in Boiestown. The last part of the week I spent on the Renous. Lots of river time. I have to comment that this old friend absolutely loves to fish and be on the river. He spends a lot of time on the river salmon fishing and is considered one of the best salmon fisherman in our area. We had a trip of a lifetime. Water levels were dropping so we spent most of our time paddling to get down river to better river levels. The upper part is quite fast and with the river dropping we wanted to get below Push Be Damn.
Lots of hatches and we could see trout coming to the top feeding within minutes of putting in at Halfmoon. The pollen was plentiful and the shoreline in places was completely yellow. Bald Eagles and Hawks along with Kingfishers kept us company all along the river. This time of year is always alive with wildlife along our local rivers.
Although salmon and sea run trout have been caught in the lower section of the river we didn't see much on the upper section. It was like they haven't made it up that far yet. We talked to one club caretaker and he said they will be opening for this weekend and they generally start fishing around mid June. So we may have been a bit early.
Here on the lower section of the river there has been word of salmon being caught in Quarryville and also salmon showing in the Upper Blackville area.
I also talked to a couple of Bass fisherman who were doing quite well. They said they quit fishing after landing 100 Bass between the two of them.
More anglers are starting to get their kits ready to start salmon fishing for the season so as we get more people on the river the reports will start coming in about salmon being caught. It is a bit early but things are going to change fast.
Sunday June 2nd,2019 River Report.
I initially did my river report earlier this morning and while having a late breakfast Norma and I were discussing the weeks fishing and changes on the river. After giving it some thought I felt it time to acknowledge a very small group of anglers who are really part of an elite group in my mind. This is a group of anglers that if offered a trip to New York, London, Paris, etc they would have to decline as they could not be anywhere else other than on the Miramichi chasing bright early run salmon and sea run trout. Most of these guys are usually locals but a fair number are camp owners along the river who are lured by the river and its early season angling. It is really interesting how some of them know it is that time of year to be on the river. Years of running a local tackle shop have given us the opportunity to meet most of these characters and get to know their annual habits. How is it that they know the time is right to start fishing early run salmon? All of a sudden they will show up at the tackle shop for a salmon license, purchase a few flies and other odds and ends and then off they go. Sometimes it may be only hours and other times it may be a few days but then we hear they have hooked into a bright Rocky Brook Salmon. Yes, a very select group of salmon fisherman who I have the utmost respect for and once again tip my hat too. Hats off guys. If you are reading this know that you are being recognized as part of a group of very select salmon fisherman on the Miramichi.
Getting that out of the way now to the past weeks river report. This is probably one of the most exciting times for some anglers on the Miramichi. There is always that small group who are engaged in the river and are anticipating the return of bright salmon and sea run trout. It is felt by some the ultimate angling experience on the Miramichi is hooking into large sea run trout or an early bright salmon. Some of this small group feel it is time ,while others spend enough time on the river watching the changes in river levels, blossoms on the trees ,insect hatches, etc and know it is the time to get out there. For this group that time has finally arrived. There have been numerous accounts of both sea run trout and bright salmon being caught here on the S.W Miramichi in this past week. We noticed earlier in the week some anglers using dry flies and being successful for sea run trout. These are the best of the best for some anglers and hooking into a Rocky Brook Salmon is the ultimate experience.
River levels are dropping and we will soon find some of the tributaries will not be as accessible in the near future. Rain will help and hopefully we will be able to get another few weeks of good canoeing in. Our trees in the last week have really come alive. It is hard to believe how fast things will green up in one week.
If you are spending any amount of time canoeing and fishing it is advisable now to bring fly repellent as the hatches are starting. A great time of year to be on our rivers. Be safe and enjoy.
Sunday May 26th, 2019 River Report.
Reports from anglers around the tackle shop this weekend indicate changes on the river. We were told a few salmon are still being caught upriver in the Blissfield area but it has slowed down in the Quarryville section of the river. Fewer large trout and hardly any bass are being caught compared to the last couple of weeks. The slow down seemed to start last Thursday and hasn't picked up yet. We did have some great angling for a couple of weeks in this area. There is word that sea run trout are being caught upriver in the Boiestown area.
The focus now will be on Sea Run Trout. We are already having anglers asking about them who are out there hoping to get into a big one. No word yet of any bright salmon on the S.W Miramichi. There was mention of one being caught on the N.W Miramichi.
River levels remain good for canoeing the tributaries and we had canoers on the Dungarvon who said the fiddle heads were plentiful. We are not hearing of many brookies being caught on the tributaries yet. Most people are canoeing the tributaries and not focusing on the trout fishing. We will soon hear of anglers picking up nice trout as we are approaching that time.
A word of caution in regards to camp fires. The woods is really quite dry even though there has been a lot of rain. Things are starting to green up and the leaves are slowly coming out but a lot of underbrush is very dry. This is a time when forest fires can get out of hand very fast.
Enjoy the fishing. This is one of the best times of year to get your gear out and get on the rivers. I will report as I hear more.
Tuesday May 21st, 2019 River Report.
It was an interesting long weekend in that the weather was really not that great for angling, canoeing, camping, etc, but a lot of people enjoyed it anyway. We were quite busy outfitting people with canoes and shuttling them to the drop off and take out points. Our tributaries in this area have perfect river levels at this time for canoeing and quite a few people are taking advantage of the good conditions.
Whether canoeing, fishing, or enjoying the abundance of fiddle heads that are available everyone we talked to seemed to be anxious to enjoy the outdoors regardless of the wet, cooler weather.
Most of the lodges have seen the last of the sportsman here to chase our Black Salmon. Though there are probably a few late salmon still lingering in the river most of the anglers now are concentrating on the trout and bass. Here is how a typical day looked last week for anglers. Salmon were mainly caught in the mornings while trout were hooked easier in the afternoons, the evenings then produced some extremely good bass fishing. There seems to be mixed reports on the bass fishing but our customers fishing with flies have been very successful. This has been a trend for over a week now. While other areas are not producing very many bass and some say the water is to cold, etc the Main South West Miramichi in the Quarryville area has had what one customer termed "ridiculous fishing". We have seen videos and pictures of the river boiling with bass in this area along with some ear to ear smiles. I guess it is important to know that depending where you are fishing the results can be quite different. Many of our locals find they can put their boats in here at the park in Blackville, enjoy the boat ride to Quarryville, and have great trout and bass fishing for the day. One really cain't complain about that for a day on the river.
Thursday May 16th, 2019 River Report.
Cold, wet, windy conditions haven't kept all anglers off the river. Though conditions haven't been the greatest those who are braving the elements are having some success. Rewards of salmon, good trout, and bass continue to be the talk by those coming into the tackle shop for gear. There seem to be good pockets of time during the day that produce quite well.
We continue to hear of salmon still showing upriver and here on the lower section they are being caught in reasonable numbers for this time of year. My impression from anglers and guides are that there is a much better showing of larger trout this year. Almost everyone we talk to who are angling for salmon are quite happy with the trout they are catching. If you are fishing in the Quarryville area the norm now is salmon, trout, and bass on the fly.
We have rain in the forecast and a gradual rise in temperatures. Most anglers feel the fishing will continue to be good for awhile yet. For those who like to chase the trout now is a good time to be on the river. Dress warm and enjoy the fishing.
Tuesday May 14th, 2019 River Report.
We continue to hear of salmon being caught. Not the large numbers as before but it hasn't been that bad in the last day or so. The odd angler is actually doing quite well. Once again ,this week seems to be showing large numbers of trout being caught while fishing salmon. Quite a few anglers are also hooking into bass in the Quarryville area. In fact it is really good fishing at times.
The weather is cold and cloudy and tomorrow we have rain and possible snow in the forecast. Dress warm and enjoy the fishing.
Monday May 6th, 2019 River Report.
Just a quick update on the river. I did an early morning report yesterday and up to Saturday we were having quite good fishing. Through the day yesterday we were hearing from more anglers coming into the tackles shop that they were catching fewer salmon. Today that trend seems to continue. There are some lucky anglers out there that seem to be doing O.K but others not so good. This seems to be following the up and down trend that we have been experiencing in the past couple of weeks. We still have salmon upriver so there will continue to be salmon coming downriver for some time.
This is salmon fishing and as things change I will keep my reports updated. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow. Lets see if that will change it up.
Sunday May 5th 2019 River Report.
Fishing conditions are quite good at this time. A lot of anglers are catching salmon and we are getting more reports of higher numbers of large trout being hooked. It isn't uncommon to hear from anglers here at the tackle shop who have caught a dozen plus salmon in the morning and were going out again for the afternoon. Lots of fisherman on the river. We did a fly casting course yesterday and would see a minimum of three boats at any given time fishing within our view.
Water temperatures remain quite cold and the salmon continue to stay low in the river. Those having the most success seem to be fishing with fast sinking lines. We still have a lot of snow in the woods and the melt is keeping the river temperatures cold. Our daily temperatures are getting higher so that can change quite fast. It has been a nice couple of days on the river and we have more in the forecast.
The buds are becoming more noticeable on the trees and things are changing fast as each day brings change. It is a great time to be on the Miramichi. Looking forward to this week. Everything is coming to life and the fishing couldn't be better.
Wednesday May 1st 2019, River Report.
By Friday of last week the angling was quite good. Rain on Saturday raised the river and by Sunday water levels were high enough to have grass, etc floating down it. The rivers started clearing by Monday and a few salmon were caught. Today the reports were more positive and we seem to be back into good fishing again. Along with salmon being landed we are also hearing of large trout being hooked. The smelts are in at Quarryville and some people are fishing them. The forecast is showing warmer days ahead so angling should continue to be good.
We are now seeing more of the seasoned salmon fisherman on the river. It is always good to see the guys back for another season. Good weather over the next few days should yield positive results. I will post as I hear more. Enjoy the fishing.
Friday April 26th, 2019 River Report.
End of day report.
It was a good day on the river today. A larger number of anglers are on the river and almost everyone coming into the tackle shop were reporting hooking into salmon. Even this evening trucks are still going into the park here in Blackville to unload boats and get the remaining evening fishing in. One group told of hooking upwards of 19 salmon today, while others are not so lucky, they are hooking salmon. Popular flies are Golden Eagle, Black Ghost, and pink colored flies. I haven't replaced my pictures yet but hope to get new ones soon. The river is really quite a bit lower now than the existing pictures show. Expect tomorrow to be another good day.
Just a quick morning report. The river continues to drop, in fact it is becoming quite fishable. I am surprised at just how much it has dropped in the last two days. Forcast is for sunny and warm today with rain tomorrow. Expect we will see good fishing today and over the weekend. Will continue to report any updates.
Thursday April 25th, 2019 River Report
Addition to todays report - Things are quickly changing on the river. This afternoon we had quite a few anglers in telling of hooking into large salmon. One angler had hooked into 4 himself. Others were telling of hooking and losing salmon. The popular fly at this time is the Golden Eagle. The rivers have been dropping and are low enough now for the salmon to take. As word gets out more anglers will start launching their boats and we will continue to hear stories of hooking into the big ones. I will report as we hear more.
I checked the river last night at the park here in Blackville and it is slowly dropping. Both the Bartholomew and the SW Miramichi are showing signs of a gradual drop in water levels. More boaters are starting to get out on the river but still not hearing much yet on salmon being hooked. We need to remember that it usually takes a few days to a week for the river to clear and drop after the ice starts moving. With so much rain and the large amounts of snow in the woods we can expect it will be longer this year for angling conditions to get better. Snow on the ground here this morning. Much better weather in the forcast for tomorrow and weekend. Hopefully the weekend will bring positive angling news.
Monday April 22nd, 2019 River Report.
The slideshow contains pictures I took Sunday evening at the park in Blackville and the old train bridge on the Bartholomew River facing down river towards the Miramichi. As you can see the river is quite high. This morning when I looked it was still quite high with no ice or debris that I could see. It is slowly dropping but continues to remain high.We have more rain in the forcast for tomorrow. I wouldn't be surprised to hear of boaters out in the river soon. I will post updates as I hear more.
Real Time Hydrometric Data, DFO, Province of New Brunswick
- Northwest River at Trout Brook
- Little Southwest River at Lyttleton
- Catamaran Brook at Repap Road Bridge
- Main Southwest River at Blackville
Miramichi River Environmental Assessment Committee Flow Data
- Southwest Miramichi River at Doaktown
- Little Southwest River at Upper Oxbow
- Northwest Miramichi River at Wayerton